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lioness New York - A travel report by Neda
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New York,  United States - flag United States -  New York
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lioness's travel reports

A visit to the Big Apple

  13 votes

New York travelogue picture
What to say about New York?! It is a place one must experience for themselves!Very exciting and friendly, gives you the feeling of being in many places at a time.

Favourite spots:
New York travelogue picture
Chinatown, Greenwich Village, Upper Town, Union Square and the surroundings, Broadway

What's really great:
New York travelogue picture
Walking in the streets and getting the feeling of this great city

New York travelogue picture
A broad variety of accommodation available

New York travelogue picture
Jazz clubs

New York travelogue picture
Vietnamese, vegetarian restaurants are amazing

Other recommendations:
New York travelogue picture
A Broadway show is a must

Published on Thursday November 20th, 2003

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Mon, Oct 24 2005 - 08:43 AM rating by toribio


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