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Log entries 21 - 30 of 35 Page: 1 2 3 4

Mar 19, 2008 07:00 PM Carn Euny, iron age village

Carn Euny, iron age village We went to Carn Euny last time we were in Cornwall and I mentioned it in my reports then and posted one picture. We liked it enough to make it a repeat on our recent visit.

Here is a particularly attractive example of an iron age village. Stone houses were probably built in the first century BCE and the village was occupied until late in the Roman period. It is made more interesting by its fogue or underground chamber.

Our cross collie loved leaping across the sites of the old houses and followed me through the fogue. For her the visit was made even better by the presence of a 6 month Old English Sheepdog, Biggles who was 'looking after' a man doing repair work for English Heritage.

Mar 10, 2008 07:00 PM Back from Cornwall

We returned from our Cornish holiday on Sunday - just before the storms hit the coast. The north coast has pretty exciting surf even when the winds are much lighter but this must have been extremely dangerous. Everybody was advised to stay well away from coasts in Devon and Cornwall. It should hit us here tonight.

There were masses of primroses and violets, which are unlikely to be seen in Yorkshire until much later. One drawback was that the ancient settlement of Chysauster is closed until the end of March.

We did some revisiting of sites which I have reported and photoed before - but I think some of my pics this time may be improvements so I shall be putting them up - and we did get to some different places as well.

As for reports, I'll look at the two I did last time and see whether I have enough to justify another one.

Jan 24, 2008 07:00 PM 2008 travel plans

For anybody interested:
We started the year having booked another week at the cottage in West Cornwall, where I stayed before, in early March - when it should be spring there but won't be here. We also expected to go to Mauritius in September for the wedding of our eldest son.

Three things - two negative but one immensely positive - placed plans after the Cornish trip into an area of complete uncertainty.

1. The wedding has to wait as they have to install a complete new central heating system - but as a dress was bought for the Mauritian climate, it's likely to be there eventually.

2. My eyes have been giving me a lot of cause for concern. One still does but the other, following a cataract removal, is better than it has been for at least 25 years. Thus this ends with no negative connotations.

3. A friend, who visited the Faeroes a couple of years ago and is atking a house there this year, found herself short of company for the last 10 days and invited us. We were very keen to go but had to satisfy ourselves about my heart situation. It now seems almost certain that, short of a severe problem with the heart in the interim, we shall be going. If you don't know why we should find that exciting, just have a look at Wojtek's wonderful report at

Aug 29, 2007 02:00 PM Scottish Highlands ahoy!

Pam and I are taking the only cure for Scottish Highlands Deficiency Syndrome in September. We are taking a bothan for a week at Polbain, near Achiltibuie in the north-west overlooking the Summer Isles.
I hope to be able to upload some photos and maybe publish new or illustrate old reports. Anybody interested can read about where we are going on

May 07, 2007 02:00 PM Patience required

Patience required Those geese had vanished last year when we returned from Italy. Thet are using the same place exactly this year. I look every day but she's still sitting. There was quite a gaggle of apparently unpaired geese on the main mill pond - but meanwhile - see photo -somebody has got on faster.

Apr 26, 2007 02:00 PM Proof of imbicelity?

Proof of imbicelity? At Porto Moniz the day after my diving without water at Monte. The swollen lip was a result but not the silly look, which was occasioned by the sun; that's my story anyway and I'm sticking with it!

Apr 15, 2007 02:00 PM Re-emerging from indolence

Re-emerging from indolence If anybody's interested, i haven't been doing anything worth rscording recently so I have been concentrating on some other things. However, Pam and I are heading for Madeira a week today for a week and I hope to be able to contribute usefully again when I get back.

Dec 22, 2006 07:00 PM Reflections on bus time-tables in Lazio

This is intended to be amusing rather than savage and I certainly wouldn't want to imply that Italian timetables are worse than our own.

Quite quickly I found true familiarity with the timetables and thought an entry would mean either that
1. The bus would leave at that time [rare but possible] or
2. The bus wouldn't leave before that time [but maybe considerably later]
Before I left Cerveteri I learned two more possibilities:
3. The bus wouldn't leave after that time but might [and did] leave before it, leaving me stranded.
4. The bus was a myth; it ismply never arrived and passengers had to wait an hour fot the next.
Surely that had to exhaust the possibilities - but no!
At Lido Central station in Ostia there was absolutely nohting to suggest the existence of a bus to the airport at Fiumincino to anyone who didn't already know of its existence. If you asked, you were told [with great confidence] that they run every 20 minutes. After much, much longer than that the third of three buses depositing only told us the bus should appear 'within' 20 minues. 25 minutes laret still I resorted to a private taxi. So
5. Keep it a closely guarded secret!

Dec 07, 2006 07:00 PM Forthcoming trip to Lazio

A combination of cheap flights and reasonable flight times will see me fly to Rome on Sunday.

I've been to Rome twice and don't feel up for a city break at the moment so I shall try to see several spots in Lazio. I'm starting with a trip to Tivoli. Then I shall go and see whether there are any Etruscans left in Tarquinia or Cerveteri - OK, I do know!
I also hope to see Viterbo and possibly Anagni. I shall be right disappointed if it doesn't cause me to be a bit more active here.

Sep 06, 2006 02:00 PM A week in Cornwall

A week in Cornwall Just returned from a week in the far west of Cornwall. We stayed with a friend in a cottage which she has recently bought with her brother, in the area where they grew up.

This is at Saint Just. There are several places with this name in Cornwall and this one is Saint Just in Penwith. Unlike St Just in Roseland, you would never find it on a chocale box or jigsaw. It's no worse for that as it really feels like an authentic English village - though only the best of chocalates could merit a picture of the other St Just on their lid.

It's just inland from Cape Cornwall, which, since it is neither the most southerly [Lizard] nor the most south-westerly [Land's End] point in England, is allowed to cling onto its innate beauty.
The photo shows Cape Cornwall from near St Just village. Please don't bother telling me if some of the pictures seem to suggest mist. I'm fully aware that, except for one day, we had a lot of mist but our hostess was great at chasing visibility.

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