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Kerrie's Travel log

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Log entries 1 - 7 of 7 

Sep 01, 2008 02:00 PM Now in Hong Kong

Arrived in Hong Kong on a beautiful day.
Straight up to the Peak via walking, ferry, bus and tram.
What a view, so magnificent!! And the 8pm light show was just spectacular, taking it a little easier this morning a little harbour cruise followed by more shopping.

Aug 30, 2008 02:00 PM Off to Europe - with my mum in law...

Yes I must be very brave or silly. But tomorrow is the day that my partner and I are taking his mum who is 74 on her very first overseas trip.
We are heading off to Hong Kong for 2 nights and then to Paris where we are booked to see the Moulin Rouge (Oh la, la, la) and then the Loire Valley on through Italy back to England, Ireland and then home via Bangkok.
Back the 6th of October.

Jun 16, 2006 02:00 PM Ole! Back from Spain!

Well it is back to reality for me.
What a hectic trip, no time even to log on and update my travel log.
Spain was fantastic, top 3 highlights for me was the Alhambra, a night of Flamenco and the Mezquita.
Favourite places Toledo (top of the list), Nerja, Cordoba & Cazorla.
What a huge country, driving distances were greater than I realised so in hindsight if I did it again I would do a combination of driving and train travel especially in the bigger cities where driving & parking is a nightmare!
Can't wait to get started on the reports and uploading the piccies!

May 22, 2005 02:00 PM Hello from Koh Tao

Well, we made it to Koh Tao Island and it is just what we expected, palm trees, sandy beaches, snorkelling, quiet and lazy. So much quieter and more our scene than Koh Samui.
Hardly any cars mainly motorbikes which you can rent for $3-4 per day so handy to get around as it has some really steep roads and nearly all dirt except the main concrete one.
We are going diving this afternoon just down to 18 metres to have a look around and see what the fuss is about. So should be good.
The dogs here have the best life, they all hang out together swimming in the sea and playing all day and there are lots of them, they are all really well looked after and very spoilt.
We are staying in a great dive resort lovely room aircond for $50 per night. We moved from another one for the same price after the first night the very worst nights sleep we have ever had.
The town is made up of small paved paths along the beach front, wide enough to ride a motorbike down but not large enough for cars so it's very laid back. Lined with great restaurants & bars, internet cafes & small shops. We think we will stay here tonight and tomorrow night and then head back to Samui and stay at a little beach called Bophut (Fishermen's Village) and then off to Bangkok the following day.
On a neighbouring island (Koh Phangan) there is a full moon party on tonight, it's huge 5 stages and they are expecting up to 30,000 people there. We can go from here at 4.30pm this afternoon arriving at 6.30pm and the boat returns at 7 am tomorrow morning arriving at about 11am. We did think about it for a moment but the nice fluffy bed would be calling us at 11 or 12 pm and we thought .....we are just toooo old to be carrying on like teenagers.
We think we might hire out a longtail boat tomorrow to get to some of the other bays for the snorkelling.

May 09, 2005 02:00 PM Update from Siem Reap - Angkor Wat

Hi all,
Next update, we have had a fantastic time here in Siem Reap, it's a really great little travellers town. Loads of restaurants and bars and the temples are really awesome.

There are almost a 100 scattered around the entire town with the biggest ones being:
1. Angkor Wat - the size is really impressive with 54 towers the tallest almost 19 floors high ( 65 metres). How they built it you can't imagine. Nearly every single wall is engraved with all this intricate work. It's fabulous.
2. Ta Prohm - or Lara Croft's Tomb Raider, really atmosheric great big tree trunks just crumbling the temples to pieces.
3. Bayon - these huge enigmatic faces staring out at you.
Nearly all of them have these huge moats around them as well.

It's pretty well on the beaten track so no hair raising stories like Sth America...
I think we have kept the tuk tuk riders in business everything costs a US $1, a ride around town, a beer, an hour on the internet everything. Cheap though - lunch is generally $7 - $10 US for both & dinner $10 - It 4US unless in our hotel it was $26 US, bit of shock after the prices around town.
The money takes a bit of getting used to, if something happens to not cost a $1 the change comes in Riels the local currency as they don't use US change only notes so you have to calculate in two currencies. If something costs a $1.50 it's either 6000 riels or $1 + 2000 riels.
Everyone tries to rip you off, overcharging so you need to be on your toes.

Off to Laos tomorrow so should be a new adventure.

May 03, 2005 02:00 PM Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Hi all,

Well here we are in Phnom Penh and had to come into an internet cafe to escape the's stinking hot 36 degreees and hot and dusty. Traffic is chaotic no road rules if you want to cross it is don't stop, just slowly, slowly. And yes you step off the curb and they drive around you. First couple of times we just closed our eyes and stepped into the mayhem. We realised we got to the other side when we tripped over the curb.

Having a good time though - did the sights yesterday Royal Palace, National Museum, Cheong Eok killing fields but the most most horrific and most depressing place I have ever visited was the Tuol Sleng Museum where the Khmer Rouge tortured and killed so many people. With all their pictures catalogued and hanging on the walls it was sickening.

On a brighter note the shopping is good except that sometimes they just wont; take no for an answer so thanks to Scottie we are now the proud owners of a beautiful HUGE hammock that we have absolutely nowhere to put. I guess it will go in the cupboard for a couple of years.
1000's of mobile phone shops here, more than at home. Everyone has one and we mean everyone.
The people are really nice although not so many speak English but they try hard to help. That's if they are not trying to get you into their tuk tuk or take you on a tour.

Anyway off to Siem Reap tomorrow and Angkor Wat - can't wait.


Nov 10, 2003 07:00 PM Lost in Langkawi

Well, I have been offline for a bit, relaxing and enjoying the balmy, warm weather and island hospitality on this small island located near the border of Thailand on the west coast of Malaysia.
The weather is hot & humid with an afternoon thunderstorm most afternoons.
We are staying at a hotel, managed by a friend and it is just beautiful located on the main beach.
The food outside the hotels is really good and very cheap, lunch for 2 about $2 US and dinner for 4 $4 approx. Because it is Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month where they abstain from eating and drinking between dawn & dusk the only problem is finding somewhere open during the day outside the main town centres. The Island is 95% Muslim so it is a very important happening.
Technology here is unbelievable, pirated DVD's around $1.50 US & Playstation games around $1 US. All the latest cameras and mobile phones are available at around 30% less than in Australia.
Until the next time.

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