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jorge's Travel log

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Hola Viajero!

Log entries 31 - 40 of 114 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Apr 06, 2007 02:00 PM One day in the United Nations base in RASD liberated territory

One day in the United Nations base in RASD liberated territory Thanks to my knowledge of Chinese language I introduce to my Chinese friend the Californian traveller Charles Veley, who claims to be the most travelled man on earth (see his web page
In that base we saw representatives of China, Uruguay, Honduras, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Pakistan, South Africa…
But three countries were banned by UN to serve in RASD territory for their clear support to Morocco invasion: USA, France and, shamefully for me, also Spain.
The officers were very kind with us and we were invited to drink coffee and eat some snacks. They could not believe their eyes when they saw us knocking at the gate of the base, located in the middle of the desert, because no ordinary travellers (I mean tourists) risk getting in that dangerous area with well over 5 millions antipersonnel mines buried in the sand of the desert.
Indeed, entering that part of the world is only for extreme (or crazy!) travellers.

Jan 28, 2007 07:00 PM Back in Barcelona after making the Camino de Santiago on foot

Back in Barcelona after making the Camino de Santiago on foot I am back in Barcelona, back in the world of Maya.
I will stop here my Travel Log for at least half a year. Ahead are months of hard work in the Costa Brava to earn money to travel to Moscow in August 2007. Again another cycle: work 6 months, then travel 6 months, again work 6 months, again travel 6 months, and so on. It seems that it is my destiny…

(In the picture my cat Kiss Kiss, sat on the Antarctica, observes in fascination my map of the world, wondering herself where I will travel next).

Jan 27, 2007 07:00 PM Botafumeiro spreading incense in the Cathedral

Botafumeiro spreading incense in the Cathedral Santiago de Compostela.
I was lucky to witness the ceremony of the Botafumeiro, something very rare to see, except on 25th July, Saint James day.

Today I met two amazing pilgrims. One was from Palencia, Castilla, Spain. Some years ago he had a car accident and his wife (she was Vietnamese) and his two daughters died in it. To overcome that tragedy he left everything, his good job in Germany and his house, and started to walk along the Camino de Santiago, from Germany to Santiago, then Rome, then Santiago, and so on. So far he has walked 5000 kilometres and still feels guilty.

The other pilgrim is a young lady, from Venice. She is covered with old clothes, with a “capuchon” (cowl), and all her head is completely shaved. She looks not attractive at all, but today, in the pilgrimage restaurant Reyes Catolicos, free for pilgrims, she discovered her ugly clothes when having lunch with me and… she was stunningly beautiful! (Measures 90 - 60 - 90). But during her pilgrimage she wanted to look ugly as a sacrifice to God. She was hiding a secret that I did not dare to ask, although I guessed it.

I feel clean, blessed. It was a good pilgrimage. I will repeat it next year. Ultreya!

Jan 25, 2007 07:00 PM Torre de Hercules

Torre de Hercules La Coruña.
This is the oldest standing lighthouse in Europe, founded by the Romans, with an impressing history, like the Alexandria’s. From there I started another pilgrimage, short, to Santiago, called Camino Ingles. I still feel strong and anxious to “eat” the whole world! I still have a lot of karma to burn.

Jan 23, 2007 07:00 PM Rias Gallegas

Rias Gallegas Galicia is famous for its stunning “rias” (estuaries). That day I had dozens of oysters for dinner (they are so cheap in Galicia!).

Jan 20, 2007 07:00 PM It looks like soon will rain

It looks like soon will rain Padron.
In Galicia it rains almost every day. But I love to walk under the rain and sometimes I also sing. The local people think that I am crazy. I smile to them.

Jan 19, 2007 07:00 PM I perceived the manifestation of God in the Nature

I perceived the manifestation of God in the Nature Padron.
All the Camino is a constant inspiration. I am disconnected with the worries of the conventional life. I am alone with myself. At the same time I am burning karma. I see God everywhere. I weep of happiness along the Camino.

Jan 16, 2007 07:00 PM Lovely small village

Lovely small village I saw many intimate villages. In this one I listened to The Angelus. It was midday and the priest was performing Mass with loudspeakers to several villages around at the same time.

Jan 15, 2007 07:00 PM The pilgrim and the donkey

The pilgrim and the donkey Caldas do Reis.
This donkey was so tender! I (on the left!) stayed with him for about twenty minutes. He liked to be caressed, he needed to be caressed. He wanted to follow me to become a pilgrim. But the owner appeared and I had to say good bye.

Jan 13, 2007 07:00 PM Barking with intimidation

Barking with intimidation Pontevedra.
Very often the dogs of the Camino bite pilgrims. You need a stick for self-defence. Fortunately, this dog was tied by a chain and only barked.

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