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Hola Viajero!

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Dec 05, 2006 07:00 PM Chechnya, the fifth republic

Chechnya, the fifth republic It was easier than I had expected to get into chechnya, but where to sleep in Grozny without being detected by the Russian army. In Chechnya there are more soldiers than citizens. Almost all the buildings are destroyed.
Welcome to Grozny, says the sign in the picture.

Dec 04, 2006 07:00 PM Forth republic, Kabardino Balkaria

Forth republic, Kabardino Balkaria In Nalchik I saw this bus heading to Grozny, in Checnya. All the passengers were women with children. I took the last seat to avoid being controled in the military post, and... went ahead without any fear!

Dec 02, 2006 07:00 PM Third republic, Ingushetiya

Third republic, Ingushetiya This republic was, until recently, united to Chechnya. The capital is not Nazram anymore, but Magaz, not far. The most impactant visit was the museum against the repression ordered by Stalin, when 14 nationalities were sent to Siberia and Kazajstan, kurds, turks, chechens, ingush, tatars from Crimea, and a long etcetera. many thousands died in the way.

Dec 01, 2006 07:00 PM Second republic, Osetiya.

Second republic, Osetiya. I had to give some baksheesh on the way to avoid being sent back to Moscow. The capital, Vladikavkaz, was a wonderful city traversed by the river Terek

Nov 30, 2006 07:00 PM Dagestan Republic. Derbent, 5000 years of history

Dagestan Republic. Derbent, 5000 years of history This was the first of the seven Russian republics in the Caucasus than I wanted to know.

Nov 27, 2006 07:00 PM Leaving for the Caucasus

Leaving for the Caucasus I took several trains to get to the Caucasus republics.

Nov 23, 2006 07:00 PM Kyzyl. Buddhist ceremonies in the Tibetan monastery

Kyzyl. Buddhist ceremonies in the Tibetan monastery The Tuvans were surprised to see an european in their monastery. Not a single Russian (or Spanish) use to assist to the ceremonies. Look at the picture of the Dalai Lama. It is usual to pray before of his portrait and to introduce some notes in a box as donation.

Soon will leave to the belicose Republics of Dagestan, Chechnya, Osetia, Ingushetia, the rebel Abkhasia, Najichevan, Nagorno Karabakh, etc., in my way back to Spain overland.

Nov 21, 2006 07:00 PM Kyzyl, Republic of Tiva (or Tiva), the center of Asia

Kyzyl, Republic of Tiva (or Tiva), the center of Asia I made friendship with this boys besides the monument located in the center of Asia, by the River Yenisey.
Living in Kyzyl is very pleasant and relaxing, but soon I have to continue travelling to live on other monasteries in the Caucasus.

Nov 18, 2006 07:00 PM I reached the mythical Tibetan monastery in Kyzyl!

I reached the mythical Tibetan monastery in Kyzyl! This remote monastery is hard to reach. Kyzyl does not has train, nor direct flights from Moscow. The Dalai Lama came in 1990. The town is unique in Russia.

Nov 16, 2006 07:00 PM Crossing the pereval to enter Tuva Republic

Crossing the pereval to enter Tuva Republic Apart from the few airplanes from Krasnoyarsk, there in only one way to get to Tiva (Tuva), that is, overland from Abakan, the capital of Khakasia. It will take you about 6 hours crossing several mountains and beautiful scenary. This part of the world is only for real travellers.
Look at the trees of the picture where the Tuvans have hanged wishes. This is a land of mistery and discoveries.

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