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Jan 15, 2010 07:00 PM Everything is closed ...

Everything is closed ... Yesterday we arrived in the late night to Poprad (taxi from the airport to the hotel in Spisska Sobota costs around 4,5 eur). We were landing in the middle of the huge fog, so I was little bit afraid of today's weather, but fortunately from the early morning sky was blue and sun was shining. We started visiting from going to the main square in Poprad with quite nice St.Egidius church (was closed), then we went to Spisska Sobota. It was separate village until 1945, then incorporated to Poprad Town. Main attraction of this part of the city are houses around main square. In recent year this part of the town had a "face lifting". Everything was really beautiful, except the fact that the main church (with great altar) was closed, Spis Museum was closed.... Then we went to Kezmarok, interesting city - with typical Spis architecture and great castle and unique wodden church (everything was closed). So from Kezmark we went to Spissky Hrad one of the biggest ruins of the castle in this part of Europe. When qwe arrived there huge fog appeared, so we could not see the beautifuly located castle. We couldn'also get into beacuse castle was closed (technical reasons, as it was writen). From there we went to Spiska Kapitula - well preserved ecclesiastical town on the outskirts of Spisske Podhradie (of course main church was closed) The last thing to see was church in Zehra village (a part of UNESCO list) beautfiul but closed....

Jan 14, 2010 07:00 PM Spis in Slovakia

Spis in Slovakia This evening I am going for the new trip. Short but still something. For only 60 eur I have a chance to fly to Slovak Tatra Mountains from Warsaw - so why not. The plan is to see some highlights of Spis Region, not very well known in Europe but beautiful. I want to see the Spisska Sobota, Castel in Kezmark, Old medieval town of Levoca and Spissky Hrad (Spis Castle) biggest ruins in this part of Europe.

Nov 28, 2009 07:00 PM So fascinated by Paris that almost missed the plane

So fascinated by Paris that almost missed the plane I really like this city. Even sitting in the bistro and watching the people is interesting. This morning we spend in the Le Marais exploring small streets of this part of the city. Then we went to Les Halles and we spend some time near bank of Seine.
Being in Paris and not see the Notre Damme.... but the hundereds of people waiting for its turn to get into the church and freezing air were the reason why we decided to go to Quartier Latin. There we visited Saint Severin Church and went for a dinner. We almost forgot that it was a time to go to the airport in the last moment we took the RER line to Charles de Gaulle Airport (1,60 EUR one way around 40 minutes from Chatelet and just we came there only 5 minutes befor closing of the check in...

Nov 27, 2009 07:00 PM Even in november

Even in november Even in November Paris is beautiful. From the early morning I had the photo tour in Paris. A professional photographer was helping me to improve the art of photography (that was a birthday gift for me and wonderful surprise). We went to Trocadero, from where is a great view of Eiffel Tower then we went to "Place de Concorde", Louvre museum and Palace Royale. We didn't have a luck with the weather - was raining and the day was very windy. But even though the bad weather I was so happy to have this tour.....
After we went to Sacre Coeur and Montmartre. I love this part of Paris. Montmartre has something magical in it, small Place du Tertre, caffeterias, bistros and shops. That was not my first time in Paris, but I have never seen the Eiffel Tower during the night, so we went again to Trocadero and I could admire the Tower beautifully iluminated....
That was a great day ended with excellent diner.

Nov 26, 2009 07:00 PM Paris, Paris

Paris, Paris It is today, my next short trip starting. I am going to Paris for the weekend. I haven't been in that city almost 5 years, so I can't wait to see it again. I just only hope that the weather will be great. This is also a birthday gift for me so I even don't know how itinerary is .....

Nov 14, 2009 07:00 PM Next journey completed

Next journey completed After 12 hours of flights I cam back home to Warsaw, next journey was completed. I saw 4 countries, but one of them for the first time (Indonesia). So many different places from very touristic like Kuta in Bali to remote and empty places (Island Sumbawa, Bima). Again some unexpected adventures (earthquake in Bima). Now there is a time to look at my 1 500 pictures and select the best ones.

Nov 13, 2009 07:00 PM City of the angels

City of the angels From the early morning we went to see the highlights of Bangkok, we started with temples like Wat Pro (very beautiful) but it was so crowdy that any contemplation in theese places is impossible. The toursit are pushing themselfs so we were in the stream of the people... Then our group has splited, my friends went to see others temples in Bangkok and I went to soak up with the atmosphere of the city. When I was going through Khao San I saw some street theatre performance - childrens in the tigers dress, dragons, group singing and pretending the fights .... They were pyramids made from the people (they were falling down few times). At the end huge stormm came to Bangkok, lightning and heave rain. I just thought that we were very lucky not having such weather during our trip (it was the rainy season). And that was the last thing that we did during the trip. Next step was only the airport.

Nov 12, 2009 07:00 PM One night in Bangkok

One night in Bangkok Time to start my way back home, but in the meantime we have 1.5 day in Bangkok, so we took a flight with Air Asia from Denpasar to BKK and we landed in the early afternoon. Transfer from the airport took us more than an hour, whole city was in traffic jams. Then we checked in our hotel and went to see some city. But we started from the restaurant. I love Thai cuisine - spicy but very very tasty also great seafood. Then we took a walk through Khao San Road, a place where most of the tourist meet. At the end of the evening we went for foot massage (tomorrow we are going to visit some temples so we have to be in a good shape :)) and we decided to see little bit of the night life in Bangkok. But the things I have seen were beyond my expectations....

Nov 11, 2009 07:00 PM Bali - not a paradise for me

Bali - not a paradise for me We had one day for us in Bali. We took a transport and went to Nussa Dua beach. In the guide book they wrote that is one of the best in the island but it wasn't. Shallow water not the nice sand and unfriendly people, so after two hour there we took a taxi to go to Tanah Lot temple (taxi costs us 250 000 rupias for whole way with come back to Kuta). To the temple was quite scenic raod through the rice fields but when we arrived to the temple (entrance fee 11 000 rupias) I was shocked. A 500 meters road with stands with the souvenirs for the tourists. Then the temple which is located on the rocky island just close to the mainland (when is low tide you can reach the island) was closed for the visitors, we couldn't get into... So we come back to Kuta and went for the Balinese body massage (lombi - lombi if I am correct) and then went for the dinner at the beach. Nice end of the day. But I personally more prefer places less touristic. I am alreay tired of Kuta. But tomorrow - Bangkok :))

Nov 10, 2009 07:00 PM Escape from Bima

Escape from Bima We slept in Bima in Lambhiu Hotel (275 000 rupias per double), not nice place but the best in the city. In the early morning I went to change our flight tickets I could see little bit of the city. Nothing interesting, small dusty, without any places to see. As we could change the resrevations we went to the airport to do standby for the flight to Denpasar (the girls were really desperated to leave Bima asap). Lady in Merpati office told me that the flight is full but after 40 minutes of the negotiation Miss Lily found for me 4 tickets in the plane, but then next problem appeared - no snacks for us in the plane. We were trying to convince the Merpati office that we will survive without them but at the end we had to write a notification that we will get no claims from this reason. When they were putting our datas to the system insted of write my name and surname they put Rafal Rafal (twice my name) and we left Bima like that (during the filght I saw from the windows biggest volcano on the island who had biggest erruption in 1863 in Indonesian history). So in the effect airlines in Indonesia don't know who is flying with them..... We reached Denpasar in afternoon and checked in the hotel. Kuta is very touristic place, I don't know is it better than empty and dusty Bima for me (maybe more things to do), but girls were very happy.

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