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tara's Travel log

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Log entries 1 - 2 of 2 

Dec 07, 2007 07:00 PM i cant believe its nearly over

.. this is the first entry i have had time to make since we left new zealand in august 2007 .. so there will be some back tracking at some stage.
nell and i have arrived in buenos aires almost true to the itinerary that we set out. what we have realised is that the flights we booked through south america were a great way to get places fast but they are not flexible enough.
we really didnt give ourselves enough time in most places.
except the big cities. i am totally over the large south american cities. in fact, any city.
except mendoza.
we left mendoza this morning after nearly 2 weeks and already i want to go back !

May 30, 2007 02:00 PM Less than 9 weeks to go...

In less than 9 weeks, nellV and I will be leaving New Zealand to go around the world (more or less).

We have set out our itinerary as follows;
Auckland - London (a few days around London, Paris for Moms birthday, up to Yorkshire and the Lakes for a little look)
London - New York (5 days in New York, catch the train to Boston)
Boston - Las Vegas (2 days in Vegas)
Las Vegas - New Orleans (back to New Orleans for 2 days)
New Orleans - Miami (some diving in Miami)
Miami - Colombia (Bogota and Cartagena - possibly Santa Marta)
Equador - Few days in the Quito area
Galapagos - Diving and exploring for a few days
Lima - Ica, Nazca, Cuzco, Puno, Copacabana, Lake Titicaca
La Paz (Bolivia)
Bolivia - a bit of Jungle exploration
Back to La Paz for a few days
Bolivia - Potosi, Sucre
La Paz - Santiago
Valparaiso - Beach holiday!
Santiago - Bariloche
Land trek to Ushuaia
Mendoza - for my Birthday! - wine and polo
Buenos Aires for a few days
Overland to Iguazu and meet with nells Dad and Maretha
Buenos Aires - meet up with nells borther Nico
Drive through Argentina and Chile and then back to Buenos Aires and finally fly to Santiago to fly home

We will be away for about 6/7 months.

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