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Thanks for visiting... please write a few lines if you like my shots. I welcome your comments.

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Joined: Oct 05
Points: 4399


Posted: 2006-01-14 08:31 AM   
hallo manfred,
ich habe gerade dein hamburg album angesehen und bin wieder einmal sehr zufrieden mit der stadt in der ich lebe. sehr schöne fotos hast du da gemacht. auch deine anderen fotos sind auf sehr hohem niveau geknipst, schön das es so gute fotografen wie dich auf dieser seite gibt.
netten gruß aus hh,


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 1005

Photos from the Azores

Posted: 2005-12-30 06:34 AM   
Hi Manfred!

I am new to the forum, and I just saw your slideshow from the Azores! The photos are really beautiful, I wish to take my husband there one day, because he is very interested in wild plants, and I think the Azores would be a paradise for him (and for me as well, because I love long hikes in the nature).

Thanks again for sharing your professional photos.


Joined: Apr 05
Points: 9510

hello Manfred

Posted: 2005-12-02 08:01 AM   
Hello Manfred
beautiful picture, I like very much indeed.
Amitiés Marielle



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Who's the expert? >Manfred!

Posted: 2005-10-27 05:07 PM are one of the best photographers at GLOBO. A feeling and attraction to your subjects has taken me back to a lot of your older uploades where I discovered quite a lot of jewels! Most of your pictures are underated and I hope more members would take time to look at them carefully and rate them better!!!!!

Your many pictures have motivated me to open two new themes in our photography Forum soon that I always wished to discuss: "GLOBOmotion" and "GLOBOchrome"

"Rangutan" Rudi



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Picture Quality

Posted: 2005-10-19 05:20 AM   
Your pictures are brillant. Like you suspect, there is loss of some quality. You wrote "Canon G5 and Irv'iew", thats a top class camera but free/middleclass software. There are a lot of semi-professional programmes, try the various shareware versions to find best results. There is a upload file size limit at GLOBO, no picture size limit, so important: the picture size should not be changed, GLOBOs weboptimizer will do that. I try upload 1200x800 pictures of about 1,2 MB size. Those have brought best results. "Bissl Glück und Geduld auch immer nötig, naturlich" :-) R'Rudi
NB: I still have problem too, specially with sky-clouds!


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785

hiya Manfred!

Posted: 2005-10-18 04:57 AM   
what wonderful bryce canyon picture!!!
perhaps a slideshow soon??


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Amazing Colour

Posted: 2005-10-17 04:43 AM   
Thank you for the Bryce canyon pictures



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Agree with David, Manfred

Posted: 2005-10-15 06:17 AM   
I agree with David, the first one or two members who rated your pictures either don't like america or don't appreciate the beauty of the desert, or both. I would have liked to visit the same region after my Texas stay in August but time did not allow it. A few of the pictures are grainy or over-contrasted but most of them are **** and ***** beauties. They motivate me more to do that trip oneday. "Danke" RR


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Red Canyon

Posted: 2005-10-14 05:54 AM   
Hi Manfred
Great photos. I found both the top two worth 5. How on earth could anybody have rated the second as 3 - somebody did though!
Cheers, David


Joined: Aug 03
Points: 19539

Half Dome

Posted: 2005-10-13 11:21 AM   
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your photos of Yosemite - it is one of my favorite places and Half Dome itself is a hike I take each of my children on when they turn 13.

Thanks for sharing!

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