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bridges's by esfahani

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information about iran  EsfahanIran, E¶fahån
Uploaded: May, 11 2011 | Taken: Apr, 20 2011| Viewed: 74 times  | 6 votes
Camera:  Canon EOS 50D | Exposure 1/5s, f4.0, ISO 1600 | FLength: 28mm | Copyright: Copyright: RS - | Artist: Photographer: RS - | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows

mistybleu - Jun, 13 2011 04:06pm
A lovely picture - the reflection is amazing. Glad you got POM.

shervin19 - Jun, 23 2011 03:06pm
Khaju Bridge
On the upper level of the bridge, the main central aisle was utilized by horses and carts and the vaulted paths on either side by pedestrians. Octagonal pavilions in the center of the bridge on both the down and the upstream sides provide vantage points for the remarkable views. The lower level of the bridge may be accessed by pedestrians and remains a popular shady place for relaxing.

farnaz - Jun, 26 2011 02:06pm
very nice reflections and beautiful photo..congratulations on winning POM. :)

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