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Vancouver B.C. is one of the most beautiful cities on the globe! You can go for snowboarding and wat...
Vancouver, Canada travel report by andreas

Summer 2004: Vassieux-en-Vercors

Vassieux is a VERY small village (not much more than just 1 street) in the Vercors park. It is locat...
Vassieux-en-Vercors, France travel report by xzorky

Scene of one of the worlds most famous tales.

The city of Verona, located in Italy´s Veneto region has history dating back to Roman times and has...
Verona, Italy travel report by tbrickell

Valladolid-- base city for the Yucatan

Valla is a relatively small city with alot of history. With Colonial churches- San Servacio; Ceynote...
Valladolid, Mexico travel report by Tashi Buttazoni

Whitby for the unpretentious goth

The Esk runs into the North Sea at the town of Whitby, which held a Christian synod in 664. The town...
Whitby, United Kingdom travel report by ragnvaeig

Short Time in Vang Vieng

Well, I arrived about 1pm coming from Luang Prabang. Dropped at the Dokkhoun GH ($5, hw, ac, clean e...
Vang Vieng, Laos travel report by kcheepv

They call it 'WinterPeg

Winnipeg is situated in the plains of Canada, and because of that it gets very cold in the winter. -...
Winnipeg, Canada travel report by spaceout

Hidden treasure of Germany

We discovered by chance the town of Vellberg. Sitting in the passenger’s seat I read the sign,...
Vellberg, Germany travel report by spaceout

Vancouver - maybe the best city to live in (at least in summer, as there is a lot of rain in winter)...
Vancouver, Canada travel report by Andreas Finger

Vinci - Birthplace of Leonardo

Perched in the mountains west of Firenze, Vinci is an unimposing little town known best for being th...
Vinci, Italy travel report by anna_moon

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