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Cheich (for Petra)'s by bineba

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information about morocco  MarrakechMorocco, Marrakech
Here's a pic of my partner wearing one. The guy showing us around the dyers' souk insisted in wrapping him up. Very funny!
Uploaded: Mar, 31 2009 | Taken: Mar, 23 2009| Viewed: 27 times
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix F10 | Exposure 10/1000s, f3.0, ISO 100 | FLength: 8mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop 7.0

krisek - Apr, 01 2009 02:04am
Sabine, what kind of fabric is this? It reflects light a bit like silk, but the structure looks like linen.

pesu - Apr, 01 2009 03:04am
Thanks, Sabine, luckily he has brown eyes - very authentic! ;-)

bineba - Apr, 02 2009 09:04am
Krys, as far as I'm aware it's a very thin cotton.

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