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Try an identity quiz's by davidx

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information about morocco  MarrakechMorocco, Marrakech
OK - it's obviously me - no points for that - but see below.
Uploaded: Nov, 12 2007 | Taken: Nov, 07 2007| Viewed: 40 times  | 9 votes

davidx - Nov, 12 2007 04:11pm
In Portugal in December I got used to being 'Papa Noel'
What do you think people kept calling to me in Marrakesh? Moroccan members excluded - you might find it too easy.
Answer at end of week.

zrusseff - Nov, 12 2007 11:11pm
David, is that a snake? What kind?

zrusseff - Nov, 12 2007 11:11pm
Did they call you Papa Snake Charmer?

davidx - Nov, 13 2007 08:11am
They said it was a water snake. I'm glad they didn't try to use the cobra!
Wrong name.

rangutan - Nov, 13 2007 09:11pm
David, I was not brave enough to do this there! With TWO of them!!!!! My respect and compliments. This picture comes to our collection of GLOBOdoolittle's and GLOBOtarzan's at

davidx - Nov, 14 2007 05:11pm
Clue - two words. Result on Friday.

joe_schmidt - Nov, 14 2007 07:11pm
Although it's very personal I like it. In a restaurant in Dresden they have an iguana running around. uy.

rangutan - Nov, 14 2007 08:11pm
My guess: What is Arabic for "Santa Claus" or "White beard"? :-)

rangutan - Nov, 14 2007 08:11pm
..... "Captain GLOBO"?

downundergal - Nov, 15 2007 12:11am
Can't wait to find out the nickname but I do like Captain Globo.... :-)

davidx - Nov, 15 2007 09:11am
Final clue - usually associated with a lot of people.

zrusseff - Nov, 15 2007 12:11pm
David, did they call you "Father Moses"?or Abraham?

davidx - Nov, 15 2007 01:11pm
No, but some guesses are correct about the reason for the name.

davidx - Nov, 15 2007 01:11pm
I like the name 'Captain Globo' but I hope they are reserving it for Andy.

zrusseff - Nov, 16 2007 12:11am
David, could it be "Haji"?

davidx - Nov, 16 2007 08:11am
Actual name: Ali Baba, apparently based on the white beard. I'm told it's a compliment because he's a hero over there.
At first I wondered why I was always hearing the name and guessed it might be a big chain that owned a lot of souks! Perhaps not as daft as it sounds because commercial interests come up if you put 'Ali Baba' into Google.

zrusseff - Nov, 16 2007 01:11pm
David, that was a pretty good game. Thanks for getting us engaged! Ali Baba is the name. It was on the tip of my tongue - just kidding.

aufgehts - Feb, 12 2008 09:02pm
That's the picture I want of myself! We're going to Morocco next year and I can't wait!

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