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Neptune Fountain

Spain - Madrid2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Coire Loch??

Spain - Los Cotos2009-10-02 send as postcard
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An ex-church museum

Spain - Gerona1999-09-14 send as postcard
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An arch makes a view

Spain - Alhama de Granada2006-02-27 send as postcard
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Aqueduct/viaduct, Teruel

Spain - Teruel2005-04-20 send as postcard
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The Alcázar

Spain - Segovia2000-03-12 send as postcard
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Below Alhama

Spain - Alhama de Granada2006-02-27 send as postcard
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Santa Maria de la Encarnación - 2

Spain - Alhama de Granada2006-02-27 send as postcard
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The fortified bridge

Spain - Besalu1999-09-20 send as postcard
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Santa Maria de la Encarnación - 2

Spain - Alhama de Granada2006-02-27 send as postcard
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Caminito and railway

Spain - El Chorro2012-10-13 send as postcard
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View from Cathedral Dome 3

Spain - Madrid2009-10-01 send as postcard
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View from Cathedral Dome 2

Spain - Madrid2009-10-01 send as postcard
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Looking back - conservation

Spain - Los Cotos2009-10-02 send as postcard
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Palacio de Comunicaciones

Spain - Madrid2009-10-01 send as postcard
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View from Cathedral Dome 1

Spain - Madrid2009-10-01 send as postcard
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Vertical garden, CaixaForum

Spain - Madrid2009-10-01 send as postcard
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School trip to Peñalara Natural Park

Spain - Los Cotos2009-10-02 send as postcard
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Laguna Grande de Peñalara

Spain - Los Cotos2009-10-02 send as postcard
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Torcal de Antequera 5

Spain - Antequera1989-12-19 send as postcard

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davidx 's travel pictures
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