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Ben Nevis

information about united-kingdom  Fort William - United Kingdom

OK, it's no secret - but the highest mountain in the UK has to merit a travel tip, even if it’s not high by international standards and the summit seems a bit of a litter. It’s worth getting up there for the view alone – but if you’re not experienced on northern mountains, don’t disregard the potential problems. The fact that there’s always snow up there does mean something and the weather can change very quickly. If you are a seasoned mountain walker go up from near the distillery. It’s a bit tedious early on but the views of the massive cliffs and the arete more than compensate.
Remember that, although the Tourist Route from Glen Nevis presents no technical difficulty in reasonable weather, people do die on Ben Nevis every year.

Address: not applicable
Fort William

United Kingdom
Phone: + 000 000 000
Price: budget

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