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Cnicht [a mountain]

information about united-kingdom  Croesor - United Kingdom

Cnicht [Welsh for Knight] is certainly not one of the highest Wech mountains but it's one of the easiest to identify from the west or south, where it appears like a perfect cone point, earning it the name of the 'Welsh Matterhorn.' If you take the walk in the website, you will find, on reaching the top, that you are really at the end of quite a broad ridge.
There's another wonderful walk up Cnicht from the minor road that leaves the A498 just after Plas Gwynant Youth Hostel but you MUST have a good map and compass for this. Don't underrate it; it may be fairly low but it's very rough walking.

Address: not applicable

United Kingdom
Phone: + 000 000 0000
Price: budget

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