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Minbar at the Badii Palace

information about morocco  Marrakech - Morocco, Marrakech

If you visit the Badii Palace [entry 10 dirhams - about €1]
you can pay the same again to go into one perticular pavilion. Inside, photography is banned [rightly but it hurts!]

There is one exhibit and posters about its function, history and restoration. It is the 12th century minbar from the magical Koutoubia Mosque. The website daesribes it as a 'preaching chair' but, for non-Muslims like me, its more like a set of wide wooden steps leading up to a pulpit [ without the actual pulpit.] It was used, as I understand, like a pulpit but the preacher only went part way up and preached from there, bowing to the Prophet.
I am about as religious as a polecat but this is immensely moving and the cedarwood ornamentation is magnificent.

Address: Not applicable
Phone: + 00000
Price: budget

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