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Norber Boulders

information about united-kingdom  Clapham - United Kingdom

Only a short walk from Clapham, described on the website, you will find what, at first site, appear to be pretty impressive boulders in a highly scenic position. However a further glance will reveal two oddities.

First it will be apparent that the rock type of the boulders is quite distinct from the limestone everywhere else around you. This is because they were carried a considerable distance by glaciers.

The second is that these boulders are nearly all supported by and perched on limestone plinths. This is because over millions of years the surrounding limestone has been worn away by weather erosion. The plinths were protected by the boulders from this effect.

Scenically these effects make it a very worthwhile walk.
There are some impressive pictures on the website.

Address: Not applicable

United Kingdom
Phone: + 000 000 0000
Price: budget

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