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Summer Isles Cruises

information about united-kingdom  Polbain - United Kingdom

The tour lasts for 3½ hours, which includes an hour on Tanera Mor. The normal boatman was away when we were there and we went in the 'Patricia' with the owner of the largest island, Tanera Mor.
Obviously the number and variety of seabirds depends on the season but in September we saw both grey and common seals.
The cliff scenery of Tanera Beag matches any I have seen anywhere.
If you use the phone number given don't be surprised when you get Achiltibuie Post Office. The boatman uses this as his office number and you will be able to book or get information.

Address: Badentarbet Pier

United Kingdom
Phone: + 01854 622200
Price: mid range

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