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La Gudina Pictures 1 - 17 of 17 

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26 - In the Camino there are chorizos

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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24 - In the Camino there are dogs

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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18 - In the Camino there are paths

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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20 - In the Camino there are lakes

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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21 - In the Camino there are horreos

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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Spanish jamon and enormous onion

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-25 send as postcard
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22 - In the Camino there are burros

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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Horreo in Casa do LiƱo

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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Horreo made on wood

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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Horreo in a hill

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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Horreos on the road

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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Horreo showing the Camino

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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17 - In the Camino there are roads

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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19 - In the Camino there are trees

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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23 - In the Camino there are birds

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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25 - In the Camino there are deers

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard
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Horreos in the darkness

Spain - La Gudina2008-01-23 send as postcard

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