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Huaca del Sol's by krisek

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information about peru  TrujilloPeru, La Libertad
One the largest pyramids in Peru, but left to be consumed by the desert
Uploaded: Mar, 22 2008 | Taken: Sep, 09 2004| Viewed: 44 times  | 3 votes
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePixS2Pro | Exposure 10/1800s, f8.5, ISO 400 | FLength: 30mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop 7.0

rangutan - Mar, 23 2008 05:03pm
The botanical contrast is extreme! A very clever compilation. I know the plants in the foreground, they are cactuses and succulents quite capable of surviving there with a bit of help and care. [4.5]

krisek - Mar, 23 2008 05:03pm
Thanks. I did try to make the photo a little more interesting - not just sand... :)

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