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Huanchaco - caballito in the water's by krisek

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information about peru  HuanchacoPeru, La Libertad
Petra, just granting your request. Jill, I think now you can see how these boats work... This one was already close to the shore, and I missed the opportunity to photograph how the fisherman fought the waves.
Uploaded: Apr, 02 2009 | Taken: Sep, 09 2004| Viewed: 27 times  | 1 vote
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePixS2Pro | Exposure 10/1800s, f7.5, ISO 400 | FLength: 50mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

pesu - Apr, 02 2009 05:04am
Thank you, Krys, it really looks cool.

pesu - Apr, 02 2009 05:04am
And - he is sitting on the caballito, not in it? Only because he is close to the shore and to leave it or because of the waves?

krisek - Apr, 02 2009 05:04am
Petra, I am not sure of the technique, actually. But I think this is how they travel on them. There is very little room at the back, and I think it used to store the fish?

pesu - Apr, 02 2009 05:04am
Oh, I see, sorry, another question: How do they catch the fish? With big nets?

krisek - Apr, 02 2009 06:04am
Petra, I have not witnessed them catching anything. I think there are traps in the sea, which they check every now and then.

rangutan - Apr, 02 2018 08:04pm
Super action still well composed [4.2]

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