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Ibo - the harbour at the low tide's by krisek

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information about mozambique  IboMozambique
The sunrays were warm and I really liked the view. It was taken from the hostel where I was staying.
Uploaded: Apr, 02 2009 | Taken: May, 31 2005| Viewed: 31 times  | 1 vote
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix S3Pro | Exposure 10/1800s, f7.5, ISO 160 | FLength: 50mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

jacko1 - Apr, 02 2009 08:04am
Lovely picture, i would have probably spent some time looking in the rockpools for interesting creatures, did you?.

krisek - Apr, 02 2009 08:04am
Tony, I certainly did. I could not find many. Most of them were small crabs.

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