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Saint John (AG) - Antiguans I will never forget's by krisek

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information about antigua-and-barbuda  Saint JohnAntigua and Barbuda, Saint John
These were the guys, who took me out at night to street parties, one of which was on a stadium, or something and was the best party I have ever been to. Nelly, top centre, was a DJ, and he played some tunes at the party, but since he was older than 18, he was considered too old school to be putting music at street parties. The one on the left, looked so much as R.Kelly to me (musician responsible for the hit "I Believe I Can Fly"). They were very friendly, and I will never forget them.
Uploaded: Jan, 21 2010 | Taken: Jan, 08 2006| Viewed: 35 times  | 2 votes
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix S3Pro | Exposure 10/1250s, f4.0, ISO 200 | FLength: 24mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh

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