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Autumnal Sails on lake Thun's by mortimer

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information about switzerland  ThunSwitzerland
A clear sunday afternoon it autunm and slowly getting cooler people spend their afternoon on the lake...
Uploaded: Oct, 08 2006 | Taken: Oct, 08 2006| Viewed: 54 times  | 8 votes

mrscanada - Oct, 08 2006 05:10pm
It's nice to see the Swiss Alps again.

horourke - Oct, 11 2006 03:10pm
It awakens for me the magic of the very first time i saw snowcapped mountains. That was forty five years ago on a youth hostelling holiday

marianne - Oct, 12 2006 07:10am
Is the the view from your house? I like the colours, only blue, blue-white and blue-black/green

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