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Brandenburger Tor by night 4's by mortimer

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information about germany  BerlinGermany, Berlin
the famous Brandenbur--ger Tor in Berlin shot by Night still a little closer. there was a bike driving through the gate on the left :-)
Uploaded: Mar, 07 2006 | Taken: Feb, 23 2006| Viewed: 61 times  | 13 votes

bertison - Mar, 07 2006 04:03pm
netter goldton !

rangutan - Mar, 07 2006 05:03pm
Martin, technically perfect 5* night photography of Berlin's icon. Like the Eiffel tower a tourist magnet and looses (only a few) points on originality and adventure. [4.4] Anyway brilliant!

mistybleu - Mar, 07 2006 08:03pm
I don't know about whether this is a technically perfect picture, but I really like it, I also like how the gate fills the shot

magsalex - Mar, 07 2006 09:03pm
A well captured night shot. Not always easy to do.

mamielle - Mar, 08 2006 04:03am
I agree ! very well captured night shot, beautiful monument and nice perpective

butterfly111 - Mar, 11 2006 06:03pm
Very good shot at night, I like it

joe_schmidt - Mar, 17 2006 07:03pm
A simply excellent shot!

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