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Reports 331 - 340 of 351 Page: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

My other hometown

I came here for the first time in August 1984, aged eight months, to visit my grandparents and aunt,...
Praha, Czech Republic travel report by elisa83

History meets modernism

Prague is a great place. That's great to take a walk in a city and remember whats you read about its...
Prague, Czech Republic travel report by shadowced

Didn' stay in Rio but abaut 1.5h away by bus - in the mountains. Didn't see much of the surrounding...
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil travel report by Kathrin Kasemir

Very clean and beautiful city, appears to be more quiet and more refined than sydney.The people seem...
Perth, Australia travel report by claire bishop

Port Arthur - old penal settlement in Tasmania

Port Arthur is amazing. It has old tumbled down building (churches, houses and gaols), and museums i...
Port Arthur, Australia travel report by cootha


Different than the rest of the Netherlands, but more on the negative side - messy, modern architectu...
Rotterdam, Netherlands travel report by kirikou

Volunteering in nepal

I just returned after a month in Pokhara where I volunteered for 2 weeks in a Buddhist Monastery an...
Pokhara, Nepal travel report by annapurna

Volunteer Work in nepal

|| PROGRAM Volunteer on Orphanage Volunteer on teaching English Environment aw...
Pokhara, Nepal travel report by annapurna

La Bella Roma

I trully enjoyed Rome. It was not as clean as I maybe imagined but it was lovely. Just walking aroun...
Rome, Italy travel report by laboricua

City of light and clichés

This is the capital of France. It's big. It's nice. ...what does one say about a city which is so we...
Paris, France travel report by kirikou

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