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Wojciech's Travel log

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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 251 - 260 of 2968 Page: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Dec 07, 2022 12:00 AM Captain Valentino

Captain Valentino Day at sea. Warm but windy. In the evening we (the frequent passengers of Costa) had a party with the captain... I remember him fro the cruise to Buenos Aires 3 years ago. But Captain Valentino do not remember me! :). We had a good time listening to the nice music and sipping the wine... I have also new friends from Bulgaria...

Dec 06, 2022 12:00 AM Sunny Cadiz

Sunny Cadiz I was here few years ago... Today there are 4 cruise ships in the Cadiz port. They offer free internet in the cruise terminal... Much more noise, much more traffic. But it is nice to walk again the promenade to the old City Hall, the Cathedral Square and the waterfront. The sun appeared in the afternoon and temperature raised to 22 deg Celsius. Imagine that ladies from the city info office did not hear Leo Delibes' song "Girls from Cadiz". What a shame!
I saw today something new in Cadiz: going to the end of the long causeway I found myself at the gate to the Castillo San Sebastian - lottle fortress built on the islet. The waves were high generaring quite high blows...
Torrow we have another day at sea and after we will st of on Tenerife - Canary Islands.

Dec 05, 2022 12:00 AM Sailing south...

Sailing south... Relaxing day at sea. Mediterranean Sea is very calm - I feel in my cabin like in the hotel, not like on the ship at sea. Good food, new friends, a lot of good wine and music... In the evening captains coctail with the presentation of all ship's managers. Wie will pass Gibraltar's Straight in the middle of the night.

Dec 04, 2022 12:00 AM Flying to sunny Barcelona

Flying to sunny Barcelona I was walking on the snow to the terminal of Gdansk airport at 5.30. They improved the service opening more security check points - no jams at all! We started to Frankfurt with little delay because the plane required to remove snow and ice... 1.5 hours in the air - they offer passengers water an small chocolate candy. In Frankfurt no snow - I was forced to take long walk through underground passage to get in Terminal 1 from wing B to A. I was just on time at the gate A1 for boarding tthe plane to Barcelona. 2 hour in the air - another water and candy.
Welcome to Barcelona! The cheapest way to go to the port is to take bus 46 to Plaza Espana (2,40 euro - card only) an then walk about an hour via Europa Bridge. That' s what I did, enjoying views. From the bridge my ship was already visible. No crowd, but they check covid test. I am in my cabin, after drill. We will be sailing at 6 pm. Everything goes well. Sun is shining in the afternoon! Ahoy!

Dec 03, 2022 12:00 AM New voyage - running away from the winter!

New voyage - running away from the winter! After the hardships of the last voyage to Antarctica, I think I deserve some relaxation and rest in decent conditions? Escaping from Europe's short, dark and cold days in December, I will fly now via Frankfurt to Barcelona and board a ship to sail from there to the Caribbean.
It will be a relaxing journey to the sun, I hope that already in the Canary Islands I will be able to sunbathe on the open decks of the ship. I also hope to meet some interesting fellow passengers. I am taking a laptop which will allow me to work during my days at sea. There are several travel reports to work on And in the ports that I know from previous cruises, it will be worth refreshing memories. I expect to return by plane just before Christmas. I want you to know what's going on... As long as I'll find free internet access (which is not so obvious on the passenger ships), you will find "hot" messages from the road, as always in my travel log. :)


Nov 27, 2022 12:00 AM 14th flight - end of the epic journey...

14th flight - end of the epic journey... My flight from Lisbon to Milan Bergamo was delayed 40 minutes so I was afraid if I will be running in BGY to the security control and the gate. But the situation was not so bad due to the new shortcut offered in Bergamo to the passengers in transit. If you are transiting from EU country to other EU country you go now to the gate without any control - just take the stairs on the right side once you will enter terminal building!
My flight to Gdansk (14th flight of this journey) was on time. But once they closed the plane doors we were waiting more than 30 minutes for the permit to start. Shame on you BGY! I landed in cold Gdansk at midnight. My epic voyage to the Pacific and Antarctica is happily completed! It was one of the most impressive journeys of my life. It is time to think about the next one! :)

Nov 26, 2022 12:00 AM Stopover Lisbon

Stopover Lisbon After 10-hours transatlantic flight I landed in Lisbon. The plane was full and the meals (sorry) weak... But we landed on time. Here is still sunny and spring temperatures in Lisbon. I am waiting for the low-cost connection flight to Milan Bergamo. Low-cost flights depart from Terminal 2, accessible by free shuttle bus from T1 and subway station. I am closer and closer to you, dear friends...

Nov 25, 2022 12:00 AM Buenos Aires - 34 deg. Celsius!

Buenos Aires - 34 deg. Celsius! It was 34 deg. Celsius yesterday in the afternoon when I landed here. What a change after frosty Antarctica! I had to spend the night in Buenos before the next flight to Brazil, I booked via a bed in the Ruda Hostel located only 4 kms from Newbery airport. But sorry, I do not want to walk in such a heat! How to get there. Taxi... Argentina suffers from the enormous inflation. Dollar is the king, accepted everywhere with love, taxis are cheap for the foreigners... But the drivers are not always honest. They charge from the stranger as much as twice more.... To avoid this authorities installed in the airport taxi stop link to the apps calculating honest fare. Just install apps, insert your address and go!
Ruda Hostel is friendly place located between normal houses. Staff is flexible and helpful. I slept well and in the morning prepared my breakfast in the empty guest kitchen. Now I am already in the airport (receptionist arranged cheap taxi - just 4 dollars) waiting for my flight to Sao Paulo. Everything goes well!

Nov 24, 2022 12:00 AM Happy return from Antarctica

Happy return from Antarctica The goal was achieved despite strong winds on Weddell Sea and storms. I saw emperor penguins in their natural habitat. So far from civilized world! Last two days were very tiring because there were heavy storm in the Drake Passage.
This morning I disembarked our brave ship in Ushuaia: tired but happy!

Nov 22, 2022 12:00 AM Deception Island

Deception Island This was my second visit, after years on this interesting island, where ships sail into caldera of former volcano. There are not many animals here birds, few penguins including chinstrap and fur seal) but the landscape is great. Some travellers from our ship were bathing in the hots springs...

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