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Yosemite N.P. - Half Dome

United States - California - Yosemite National Park2005-09-06 send as postcard
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Upper Antelope Canyon

United States - Arizona - Page2005-09-11 send as postcard
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Iceberg nearby Twillingate

Canada - Newfoundland - Twillingate2005-05-24 send as postcard
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Bryce Canyon

United States - Utah - Bryce Canyon National Park2005-09-10 send as postcard
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Faial Island - Horta -

Portugal - Açores - Horta1988-08-20 send as postcard
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Bryce Canyon

United States - Utah - Bryce Canyon National Park2005-09-10 send as postcard
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Route 470 to Rose Blanche

Canada - Newfoundland - Port aux Basques2005-05-29 send as postcard
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Bryce Canyon

United States - Utah - Bryce Canyon National Park2005-09-10 send as postcard
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Salvage - Bonavista Bay

Canada - Newfoundland - Gambo2005-05-22 send as postcard
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The Arches

Canada - Newfoundland - Cow Head2005-05-26 send as postcard
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Port Au Port Peninsula

Canada - Newfoundland - Stephenville2005-05-28 send as postcard
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Gros Morne - Western Brook Gorge

Canada - Newfoundland - St. Pauls2005-05-25 send as postcard
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Moreton´s Harbour nearby Twillingate

Canada - Newfoundland - Twillingate2005-05-21 send as postcard
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St. Anthony - house of "The Shipping News" ?

Canada - Newfoundland - St. Anthony2005-05-26 send as postcard
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Gros Morne - Norris Point

Canada - Newfoundland - Gros Morne National Park of Canada2005-05-28 send as postcard
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Yosemite Valley

United States - California - Yosemite National Park2005-09-06 send as postcard
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Upper Antelope Canyon

United States - Arizona - Page2005-09-11 send as postcard
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Lion in Amboseli

Kenya - Coast - Voi1986-09-18 send as postcard
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Green monkey

Kenya - Coast - Voi1986-09-18 send as postcard
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Cow Head Harbour

Canada - Newfoundland - Cow Head Harbour2005-05-26 send as postcard

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willauer 's travel pictures
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