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Tristan albatross's by wojtekd

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information about st-helena  Tristan Island SettlementSt. Helena
Beautiful bird. Wingspan that can exceed three metres. Hard to photograph-. I was lucky!
Uploaded: Apr, 18 2006 | Taken: Mar, 17 2006| Viewed: 29 times  | 13 votes

st.vincent - Apr, 18 2006 01:04pm
It must have taken a lot of patience to get this shot

davidx - Apr, 19 2006 04:04am
Yes, you were lucky - but that's not the end of the story!

frenchfrog - Apr, 19 2006 05:04am
Amazing picture, I can well believe the stuggle!

jesusferro - Apr, 19 2006 02:04pm
Only top travelers can go to that island. Bravo!

mortimer - Apr, 19 2006 03:04pm
Jesus: Only top travellers?
look here:
just book your passage and off you go :-)
ie: 20.7. to 6.8. 18 days from 2580£ LHR/walvis bay/st.helena

jesusferro - Apr, 19 2006 03:04pm
Mortimer: Thanks you for link, Nice travels and expensive, for rich. But it is not same. Look, in that expensive travel is St Helena isle, but Wojtekd was in TRISTAN DE CUNHA, near in Antartida.

jorgesanchez - Dec, 15 2007 02:12pm
Mortimer, what about the WISH to get there? That marks the difference between the tourist and the traveller. Tristan da Cunha is there for everybody, in theory anyone can go to that island. But the tourist will feel indifference and only will ponder the efforts, the time invested in the journey plus the money, and finally will not go, having Cancun, Acapulco, Bangkok or Costa Brava easier and cheaper. In the practice only the traveller WISHES to get there. The traveller will sacrifice everything to reach that extraordinary island.
Welcome home, Wojciech!

rangutan - Dec, 15 2007 02:12pm
Well stated Jorge, some members do not know what they are really looking at at where the location is! I find the picture technically 3.2 and still respect the worth of it at GLOBO. The discussion is amazing. Can we move it to a forum? What I like best about GLOBO is that the members report, contribute but can also pick up info on the remote destinations in the world without all the family or personal details. All the other travel-blog sites on the www don't fulfill this and are "blogged" with tourist rubbish like in toilets. Bravo Wojtek!

mortimer - Dec, 16 2007 07:12am
Jorge I really think getting to this island is a big effort and I something special. I just don't like the competitve tone of jesus' statement: "Only top travellers" As you said it's about the wish to get there and it's not about who is the "best" traveller, I think the wish to get there is a intrinsic wish and not about what others think of oneself.

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