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Austria's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 10 of 14 
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And what would Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart say?!  Uluru

I was doubtfully lucky to be a witness to a musical festival, or rather a young musical talent revie...

Hallstatt: Ancient History & Timeless Beauty...  Uluru

This little lakeside village has been an area of civilization since the Neolithic Stone Age, a resul...

Vienna waits for you…  Uluru

I have to apologise to all Austrians for that reference, but it made me think of other misconception...

Salzburg, on a sunny summer afternoon  Uluru

For centuries, the city was ruled by the Catholic clerus and the archbishops who formed the historci...

A weekend in Vienna  Uluru

Every place in the world is special in one way or the other. I felt Vienna probably is (or has been)...

Mozart, Shubert, Klimt…  Uluru

I was studying in Germany, and I decided to make my trip to Austria by train. At first I wanted to v...

Artistic Salzburg  Uluru

After getting my Austrian driving licences I decided to take a long drive from Vienna to Salzburg.Pe...

So much more than the Sound of Music!  Uluru

Where to begin? I began at the Mozart Wohnhaus, where he lived for many years with his family. It no...

Slazburg, The Mozart city. 

I have never seen something like that anywhere. All the Salzburg city is just dedicated to the Mozar...

Romantic Innsbruck 

I went to Innsbruck by train and stay there for only 1 night. I guess it's enough as It's a small to...

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