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Czech Republic's best travel reports

Reports 11 - 20 of 28 
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Prague - The Architectonic Jewel of Central Europe  Uluru

Where does one begin when exploring this maze of historical wonder? In a cit...

Fountains Galore  Uluru

Olomouc gets its fair share of tourists. No wonder, because the city is a showcase of baroque founta...

Prague in February  Uluru

A friend and I took a weekend trip to Prague in February. It was cold, but this did not stop us from...

Fish Pond Trails of Trebon – Rozmberk  Uluru

Over 600 years ago, settlers started plotting the locations for the first of...

Prague (Praha) in 48 hours  Uluru

Prague has been a celebrated destination for the last decade. I didnt realize its beauty until watch...

Kafka and Praha  Uluru

Praha wont leave you. Not the two of us. This mother has strong arms. You have to get used to her or...

The further east you go...  Uluru

The further east you go in Europe, the more magical it becomes. You really get the feeling that batm...

Praga, the bohemian city. 

This centurian city of the middle europe have the most impressive bohemian style of europe. One of t...

Prague, the most beautiful city in Europe  Uluru

It’s not for nothing that Prague has nick names like the Golden City, The City Of The Hundred Towe...

A visit to Prague  Uluru

It's a wonderful, picturesque city. There are some must-haves and it's really worth visiting them (d...

About Czech Republic
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