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Netherlands's best travel reports

Reports 21 - 28 of 30 
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Medieval City Walls 

The Dutch are very friendly. Although I had quite some difficulties to express myself and to underst...

Miniature-Amsterdam away from the masses  Uluru

Haarlem's a sweet little town in which I lived for a short period. There isn't much in terms of sigh...

Where the black clean the properties of the white. 

I was au-pair here for 9 months. The place is a small town. It takes about 20 minutes with the train...

Car Hire at Amsterdam Central Station 

I must admit to being impressed recently during the volcanic ash disaster in Europe. I booked online...

Our sick trip to Amsterdam  Uluru

Amsterdam is beautiful. Dutch seemed to be the main language spoken however we did eventually manage...


A small country with many things o do and see, specially in bike, boat or even walkin...


Different than the rest of the Netherlands, but more on the negative side - messy, modern architectu...

Bourtange, a well defended mini town in the moor\'s 

Bourtange, Groningen, Netherlands Back to the early 15\' century, when it was founded.. mnn,a...

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