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Peru's best travel reports

Reports 41 - 50 of 60 
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peruvian lake titicaca 

i arrived into puno after a bumpy drive from la paz in bolivia. it was cold and wet when i arrived t...

La Silva and the Amazon 

Iquitos is greener that most of Peru. Most of Peru is dry coast or high mountains that are so high t...

Cuzco and the sacred valley 

The Incas believed that Cuzco was the naval of the world, it sit surrounded by mountians in a depres...

Miraflores, Lima, Puru 

Miraflores has a very Europian feel to it with large shopping malls, bars and restaurants, selling a...

Lima - Peru 

Lima, being the capital of Peru, is a huge bustling city. The city centre is quite dodgy and pollute...

Service-Learning in the Sacred Valley of Peru 

Our group spent the spring semester studying leadership in service-learning and global citizenship....

Off the beaten track  Uluru

From Lima via Pozuzo to Pucallpa. Exotic jungletrip. Thru the nationalpark Yanachaga Chemillien by c...


Lima itself, as most of the capitals, isn't very impressive. But the people are even more friendly t...

The city of Lima 

It is not a very pleasant city in general,there is a lot of traffic and the weather is generally gre...

Wonderful place  Uluru

after 2 hours hiking, we see the best things I have ever seen

Amazing Inca building o...

About Peru
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