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Peru's best travel reports

Reports 31 - 40 of 60 
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Keep the Amazon alive and support her people  Uluru

My friend and I wanted to go to the Amazon very badly in early 2008. So, we planned our trip, by che...


The Nazca Lines are known worldwide. There are suspicious and serious theories about them. The lates...

Cusco and city tour 

The basics - we bought tickets from Minneapolis to Cusco, Peru, flying out February 6 and back on t...

Peruvian last frontier to the jungle.  Uluru

Iquitos is the Peruvian main entrance to the amazon jungle. That's the start point to get the amazon...

Puno and the Yavari...  Uluru

Puno is a small and compact town, with a population of 102,800 people. During it`s peak season, betw...

Peruvian Oasis  Uluru

Casma is a small town close to the Peruvian coast, yet in the middle of the desert. This is a fascin...

Pan American highway to Nazca  Uluru

The bus stops at several places along the way to pick up other passengers, and you have to be quick...

The reason to come to Peru  Uluru

Macha Picchu was discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911 and became one of the wonders of the world. It...

Lima, City of Kings.  Uluru

Lima is a really big, old and dirty city. It was founded by the spanish conquerors as a new capital...

Ollantaytambo Sacred Valley Town  Uluru

Ollantaytambo is a small town in the Urubamba river valley north of Cusco. The town sits below some...

About Peru
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