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Posted: 2006-03-10 17:59:00  
"GLOBOscript " is that which makes us comunicate here. The titles, the menus, the error messages, the imput demands..... We should optimise it.
Neither german nor english but bavarian, afrikaans, fanagalo tagalo and others are my tongue, so forgive me too. I am not an expert but I still notice wrong use of language at GLOBO often typical of our small dirty western world! Staff have already fixed about 10 of my spelling indications, now it is time to correct those that I couuld not see and some others, specially usage:
These changes I am sure are correctable very easily. The do not require a programmer or any special IT-expert. They need only the basic source text to be changed.
1) "Home" for the user should be renamed "My Profile" or "Profile". Home is always, everywhere on the internet the start page! (Unless we want to become a provider?) Above it is also a GLOBO "HOME", very confusing.
2)"Sex" as hobby or interest should be renamed "erotic" or best even "romance"! [I feel strong about this very important change!]
3) "Pubs" in the reports should change to "Societies and Hideouts"
4) "Clubs" in the reports must be changed to "Nightlife and Night Scenes"
5) For rating way out, the word in the ERROR message "fraud" should be replaced by "error" and added: "please click the back button and try again"
6) for this special forum for active members the title should NOT appear as:
New ... [restricted access] in forum GLOBOsapiens intern talk by ravinderkumarsi
BUT rather as:
New-report-on-kathm[RA] in forum GLOBOsapiens intern talk by ravinderkumarsi
Why not replace the words "restricted access" simply with "RA"? The other members get a detailed message anyway, we then get a bit MORE of the title :-)
There are many others, just report them to make GLOBO better!
If members have NEW ideas, please number them up, the next 7) so that we can
a) discuss them and
b) staff have a to-do-list :-)
R'Rudi [ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2006-03-10 18:07 ] --- Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner
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Posted: 2006-03-11 05:01:00  
Good idea! These are some of the things that I found.
1. Instead of having two different words for a slide show or album, they should be merged together.
2. I think "postbox" should be called "inbox" or "mailbox" or something like that. I never called it a postbox.
That's all I can come up with. I hope this helps. --- Wunderkind
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Posted: 2006-03-13 11:05:00  
Hi Rangutan,
some changes are on the way (need installation first). Romance is already done. About point 3, 4. Can somebody else who is a native speaker in english clarify if this is correct spelling and wording? If so, that sounds good to me. About "My Profile". Is it not "My profile"?
About the restricted forum title. This is intended to be like this, since I do not want that the title becomes public. So no change in that point.
ehs1193: excellent idea. Will be changed to mailbox.
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Posted: 2006-03-13 11:41:00  
Rangutan's points nos 3 and 4 are spelt correctly.
Suggestion: simplify them to:
3. Hideouts
because I have no idea what is meant by societies (the first thing I thought about was some secret society or the klux klux clan or something similar
4. Nightlife
as I am not quite sure what is meant by Night Scenes
'My profile' versus 'My Profile', in English it is usual to use capital letters in titles, captions etc.
While you are making some changes, I have two more suggestions.
You did already rate this report
You have already rated this report.
Correct 'payed' into 'paid' ('you are running a paid account' is the line in which it is used)
I really like Rudi's suggestion of 'romance' instead of 'sex'.
[ This Message was edited by: marianne on 2006-03-13 11:42 ] --- “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson
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Posted: 2006-03-13 12:03:00  
Hi Mariane,
I am not sure if I would know what you mean by "hideouts" as a newbie on GLOBO. Pubs is more general. Maybe there is a better one than those two?
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Posted: 2006-03-13 12:18:00  
Let me think about hideouts / pubs.
Pubs (to me) refers especially to British pubs. Or to places where alcohol is served. In many countries no alcohol is served at all, therefore 'pubs' is a bit awkward.
In my opinion 'Hideouts'is a good term to describe places where alcohol is served or where it is good to find rest etc. without alcohol.
Maybe others have some suggestions.
--- “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson
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Posted: 2006-03-13 18:43:00  
...how about "Pubs and Hangouts" including then coffee shops, tea rooms, snooker, chess, cards or other game rooms like the local peple go to, even if it is not for alcohol! [ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2006-03-14 13:12 ] --- Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner
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Posted: 2006-03-13 23:44:00  
Hi There
Hideout doesn't seem to be the searched term:
n : a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws [syn: hideaway, den]
Hangout is far better
n : a frequently visited place [syn: haunt, resort, repair, stamping ground]
Perhaps one of the native english speking people might come up with some better expressions.
What type of information is really looked for in this section anyway?
Have a great day
Martin --- Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!
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Posted: 2006-03-14 00:55:00  
First of all, when I hear the word "pub", I do think of an English one with lots of beer or something like that. That's why in my reports , there isn't anything under Pubs. Secondly, "hangout" is a better term than "clubs".
I hope I'm helping! --- Wunderkind
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Posted: 2006-03-14 01:04:00  
Also, when making a travel tip, it asks for the price and website and all that stuff. Some things are free to get in and don't even have a phone number. I don't know there's any way to incorperate that.
Ethan --- Wunderkind
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