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Posted: 2006-09-05 14:37:00  
Hi everybody,
I have just sent out the test version to some of you guys (could not do all due to time lack, sorry). Please provide me with some feedback.
Thank you in advance,
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Posted: 2006-09-05 19:23:00  
Hi everybody,
thank you for the feedback. I have sent one issue out and will sent the next one in 7 days. Of course the e-mail can be improved and will be enriched with more details form last week. The important thing for me now was to get it running (while the whole thing requires loads of setup time). I also tried to get a kind of 24hx7 overview on it, but failed due to technical limitations inside emails. Maybe I will find a workaround.
What I also noticed sending it out at once is a fairly bad idea. Almost 20.000 e-mails resulted in to many people accessing GLOBO at the same time. So I will have to work something out in the next days :-)
Best regards,
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Posted: 2006-09-06 23:21:00  
I like the new weekly newsletter and think it will be very popular. I noticed that clicking on the photos takes you into the members home page and not the photo itself, and wondered if this was intentional.
The addition of a list of albums posted during the week would be welcome.
I look forward to future editions
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Posted: 2006-09-07 10:17:00  
An excellent start Andy. Like you mention, if it is to be like a 7x24hr review and lists all new entries for the last week, a lot of keywords or places would be visible and prompt members to login. To avoid overload, perhaps if you sent the emails staggered by country or language, some of a kind would chat?
Clive, the links seem correct to me.
--- Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner
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Posted: 2006-09-07 17:41:00  
Yes great idea, I am in as well, many thanks!
Good day
Isabelle --- "It is far more better to have seen it once than to have heard about it a thousand time." Mongolian proverb
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Posted: 2006-09-07 18:06:00  
I would be honored to receive a copy of the e-mail, Please include me.
--- "Own only what you can carry with you; know language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag." Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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