Thanks for stopping by and looking at my offerings. Happy and safe traveling.
Posted: 2005-05-24 06:32 AM  
Thank you for being the first to welcome me. This is all quite new to me Im looking forward to finding out about different countries. This year will be my first holiday abroad hopefully it will be fantastic, my husband and I are going with another couple and if all goes well we will pick a different destination for next year. This year we chose Tunisia. We have heard mixed reports so hopefully all will go well Hope to hear from you later
Joined: May 05
Points: 24
Thanks for the welcome
Posted: 2005-05-23 08:32 AM  
Thank you Russ
I hope to make some entries and add some photos soon. so far my profile looks prety boring.
take care
Joined: May 05
Points: 63
Thank you.
Posted: 2005-05-23 07:13 AM  
Thanks for the message. I'm looking forward to the adventures and appreciate this kind of community.
- Andy
Joined: Jul 04
Points: 15194
Posted: 2005-05-22 11:31 PM  
for your comments on my Antwerp report.
Many thanks
Posted: 2005-05-22 03:04 AM  
Hi Russ,
I really appreciate the welcome. I look forward to sharing my experiences and hearing from other travellers.
regards Ian
Joined: May 05
Points: 53
Hello there!
Posted: 2005-05-15 08:51 AM  
I am stilll trying to figure out how to use this website. it's not that clear to me yet. sorry if i am replying to the wrong place. i am planning a trip to costa rica for dec and i need help figuring out what areas to visit and what to do. any suggestions on how this site can help? thanks
GLOBOsapiens ~ good to see the internet used so well...
Posted: 2005-05-14 08:06 AM  
Hi Russ,
This comes with a thank-you for your welcome.
GLOBOsapiens looks to be such an effective trans-global concept for travellers. And ~ next best if you're in the home port.
regards ~ shermatang
Joined: Aug 02
Points: 1001
Thanks for the comment
Posted: 2005-05-12 04:29 AM  
Hey Russ,
thanks for that honest comment. Yes, its my first try but i´m willing to practice my english more often, and to write about all that different place i´ve seen in the last years is probably a good opportunity.
By the way - i´ve posted some pics in the report now. Also, if you like San Francisco, there are some nice new pics from last November!
Joined: May 04
Points: 445
Posted: 2005-05-11 01:05 PM  
Hola Russ! Gracias por el mensaje. Que gusto saber que estuviste en Peru, espero hayas disfrutado tu estadía, pero es una lástima que no hayas visitado la costa norte, que es donde queda Lambayeque (mi departamento) ni tampoco muchos otros lugares muy lindos de éste país. Me sorprende tu dominio del español y claro, me gustaria poder ayudarte a pefeccionarlo.
Estaremos en contacto... Hasta entonces, nos vemos... Bye bye!
Long story
Posted: 2005-05-06 11:06 AM  
Long story...but my nickname is from a friend who lives on Lake Travis in Austin, TX who found my personality "intrguing" and knows my Latin background. I am in Kyoto right now finding my way around. I am new to the site, so I do not know how to manipulate the download system yet. I may or may not figure it out before my return to the states, but I HAVE taken a ton of pictures! I hope tyo visit Indonesia and the Phillipines next. Thanks for the "email," and happy travels!