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Mustafapasa Pictures 1 - 8 of 8 

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Mustafapasa - Wine Country

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-10-11 send as postcard
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Another Look at Mustafapasa

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-11-11 send as postcard
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Mustafapasa - More Hillside Rock Cut Dwellings

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-11-11 send as postcard
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Mustafapasa - The Amazing Roman Ruins of Sobesos

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-11-11 send as postcard
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Mustafapasa - Sleeping Beauty of Cappadocia

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-10-11 send as postcard
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Mustafapasa - Mixing the Old and New

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-10-11 send as postcard
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Mustafapasa - The Church of Constantine and Helen

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-10-11 send as postcard
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Mustafapasa - The Gate

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Mustafapasa2008-10-11 send as postcard

siffer 's travel pictures
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