Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia, it has a mediterranean temperament in respect to both weather and attitude. It's based ona floodplain ringed by a amphitheatre of eucalypt covered hills. It is the centre of wine in Australia and is set out in a pleasing figure 8 arrangement. It is the only city in Australia that was founded by free settlers. A laid back but still cosmopolitan city . It suits my lifestyle perfectly.
Favourite spots: |
The Oyster bar on East terrace, The Exeter on Rundle street and Oostende (Belgian beer cafe) also on Rundle St.
What's really great: |
I have spent many a night at the Oyster bar supping libations and toasting the marvellous members of the opposite sex as they walk past .
Sights: |
Head down to Glenelg for a rather ordinary metropolitan beach. I prefer to spend my lazy sunny afternoons in the Botanic Gardens on North Terrace. I can often be found with a good book here.
Nightlife: |
Heaven seems to be the big nightclub. I'm not into nightclubs so I think it's a shithole. It's right next door to a place we call Sloppy Joppy's, also a shit hole. You can find them on West terrace if you really want to.
Hangouts: |
The Norwood, The Exeter, The Austral, The Lion. Call into any pub and pick up a pub guide. Produced by Carlton United it has all of Adelaides bars on it. A fun way to wile away a weekend.
Restaurants: |
The Grange at the Hilton hotel. Superb. If your budget doesn't stretch that far all of the cafe's on Rundle st are pretty good.
Other recommendations: |
Mall's Ball's. Two giant silver balls in Rundle Mall is a meeting place that is easily locatable and centrally located.
Published on Saturday October 5th, 2002
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