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paulobeli Buba - A travel report by Paulo
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Buba,  Guinea-Bissau - flag Guinea-Bissau
4790 readers

paulobeli's travel reports

Poor country, rich people

  13 votes
Despite being one of the poorest countries in the world, Guinea-Bissau is a charming country, with wonderful people and breathtaking sceneries. It's not easy to travel inside the country, but in the end you won't regret.

Buba travelogue picture
Ravaged by protracted struggles for independence, civil conflict and guerrilla warfare, Guinea-Bissau is slowly rising up from the rubble. With beautiful unspoilt scenery and plenty of wildlife, West African traditions and Portuguese colonial remains, Guinea-Bissau has a lot going for it. (Lonely Planet online) Unfortunately for the traveller it has nothing similar to what we call an economy. That means that besides some resorts for those who fish or hunt, it's almost impossible to find an hotel or any place to spend the night, a restaurant or public transports outside the capital city, Bissau. On the other hand, you will find extremely nice and friendly people, who haven't met mass tourism yet and it's side effects. That means being poor (not to say miserable), they won't beg, harass or menace you on any way. They will come just to meet you, to take a photo with you, to know your name and where you come from. Without asking anything in change.

And with so many places to go, why did i went to Guinea-Bissau? Well, my father went there to fish. It's not that i fancy fishing much, but i don't think that it is possible to travel to GB on a unplanned way, and the only "packages" available are for hunters and fishermen. So, i went along. It was a great way to know a country that otherwise wouldn't be part of my travelling plans.

Favourite spots:
Buba travelogue picture
The Rio Grande de Buba, 80 kms of sea that enter into the mainland like a river, and it's National Park will offer you moments of pure delight.

Cruising the river and crossing with fishermen and families passing by on their wood carved canoes (didn't see a single motorboat), stoping on a river beach to cook the fish that you had just caught, without hearing anything but the wind in the trees, the birds and the monkeys, are moments that you hardly forget.

For the first time in many, many trips i made, i felt i was the only tourist around (and around means a biiiig around).

Another great thing was that apparently there was no polution at all. Just for one reason: when you don't have a plastic bag, you can't throw it to the river. Sad but true.

What's really great:
Buba travelogue picture
Once again, the purity and honesty of the people. The natural sceneries. The absence of tourism as we know it worldwide.

Confirming that different ethnies and religions can live together in total peace and harmony (Tribal religions (55%), Muslim (40%), Christian (5%).

Buba travelogue picture
Rio Grande de Buba.

All the way down from Bissau to Buba, passing by dozens of small villages, from so many different ethnies.

Buba travelogue picture
In Buba i stayed in a house provided by Uaque Caça, the company that provides hunting and fishing trips.

(if you enter the website, almost everything you see is about the hunting lodge near Bissau. To know more about fishing press "Pesca")

Simple, no luxury at all, with very friendly staff, all mad about soccer just like me!

Among them was a great cook that had the power to turn our daily catches in marvellous (but once again very simple) meals!

Published on Thursday March 16th, 2006

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Tue, Mar 28 2006 - 10:57 AM rating by mistybleu

Intesting report about a place I know very little about.


Fri, Mar 17 2006 - 09:13 PM rating by eirekay

I really like the idea of visitng an unspoilt place where the modern world has not set in!

Fri, Mar 17 2006 - 08:37 AM rating by gloriajames

rather short report and hope u can provide more details.
plus factors... there are some nice pics.

Thu, Mar 16 2006 - 03:20 PM rating by isaacmolina

Muito bem Paulo!

Thu, Mar 16 2006 - 12:11 PM rating by davidx

I knew nothing about this country except its apaling economic plight. However I feel I can envisage it from this report. I agree with Rudi and Marianne that more detail would help but, as it brings a new country to Globo I am giving 4* [otherwise 3.] Thanks.

Thu, Mar 16 2006 - 10:30 AM rating by rangutan

Very short but exotic desination! GLOBO's very first report on this country (please upload pictures to the gallery too if possible). We do not expect perfect english so to get more information into the report use Altavista's "Bablefish" to translate or I see no problem in seeing the picture titles or a footnote/paragraph in Portuguese.

Thu, Mar 16 2006 - 10:14 AM rating by marianne

The first paragraph of this report is very interesting. You gave a good decription of what to expect when on a holiday in Buba. The next paragraphs are very disappointing because there is no information at all.

Maybe you could tell a bit more about where you stayed what the accommodation was like.

Rio Grande de Buba is your favourite spot. It gave you 'moments of pure delight', this is a bit general. Could you desribe these moments?

I like your photos maybe you could give them a caption.

I hope you will add some information because Buba must be a very special place.


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