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Lac Chambon - A travel report by VK
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Lac Chambon,  France - flag France -  Auvergne
6844 readers

spaceout's travel reports

Interesting Cemetary

  9 votes
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Lac Chambon travelogue picture
We were driving in direction of Murol, where we wanted to visit a castle (see report). I told my travel companion to stop and park the car. I wanted to take a few pictures of the cemetary.
The pictures didn`t turn out good, but it was worth the stop.

Favourite spots:
Lac Chambon is actually a very small village, a few older houses thrown together. There isn`t much to see.
Although the surrounding villages do sell assorted cheese and local wine, I didn`t see any shops of any kind here.

What's really great:
The cemetary is built across the road and across from the village center. It is built in a hill, topped with a great large temple` where they storage the coffins. It is one of the only cemetaries that had grass growing between the tombs. Most cemetaries I`ve seen in Auvergne were but rocks and tombs.

I don`t believe there is any accomodations here, the village was extremely small. There was only but a dozen houses following the water way.

I doubt there are any clubs here. Perhaps there`s a local pub but that`s about it.

Published on Thursday December 4th, 2003

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Fri, Dec 05 2003 - 04:58 AM rating by yeikloen

indeed a very interesting cemetary....!!!

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