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marie-ange Nancy - A travel report by Marie-Ange
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Nancy,  France - flag France -  Lorraine
11522 readers

marie-ange's travel reports

A warmer city than it seems

  19 votes
I wrote this article a few years ago. Since then, my home city has known some changes, including total restauration of Place Stanislas to its original figure, renovation of the Old City area, etc... Nancy is becoming more and more beautiful !

Renovated Place Stanislas
Renovated Place Stanislas
Nancy is situated in the heart of Lorraine, a North-East region of France. By train, it is on the way between Strasbourg (1h30 away) and Paris (only 1h30 away now that we have TGV Est Européen). It first appears like a normal, ordinary city, but when you look closer, there are many interesting things in Nancy. The most famous place of Nancy is La Place Stanislas, part of World Heritage (and named this way because it was build by a Polish King exiled in Lorraine, Stanislas Leszczinski), but don't consider the city as an amazing one which beauty you would immediately see. It is rather in the little details, the special bars, and the active cultural life that you can enjoy it.

Favourite spots:
Fireworks for Saint Nicolas, in Old City
Fireworks for Saint Nicolas, in Old City
La Place Stanislas is definitely something to see, especially by night, with the buildings and the fountains softly enlightened. Just next to it lies le Jardin de la Pépinière, really nice during the summer. Have a walk in the old city, through La Grand'Rue : there are many little shops with old books, art galeries and wine bars with good (expensive but tasty) food . On the way, you'll also see le Palais Ducal, a museum with the whole story of Lorraine from the prehistory on, and a few Georges De La Tour paintings. But what I like most in Nancy is to walk around just at random, and to look at the Art Nouveau buildings. Nancy is famous for it, as well as for its Bergamote, a kind of sweetie.

What's really great:
Place Stanislas, Fountain
Place Stanislas, Fountain
The city is really active culturally, so it's true that you take better advantage of it if you stay for a while, but even for a short time you can have pretty much fun.

Place Stanislas again - I love it :-)
Place Stanislas again - I love it :-)
Hotel de Guise is in the heart of the city, I heard it was quite nice.

I'm not especially addicted to clubs, but I recommend you to avoid the one called Student's (only for people under 20).
O Circo that I used to recommend is closed ! I'll give some tips soon...

Terrace at MJC Lillebonne, a center for culture (there are 7 in nancy), during
Terrace at MJC Lillebonne, a center for culture (there are 7 in nancy), during "night of Video" 2006
An excellent bar is Le Clou, if you like old tables and chairs, messy but warm atmosphere, and good drinks (plus, as well, regularly changing art exhibitions and guest musicians).
Le Léz'Art is a café littéraire, with excellent food and books everywhere, 3 different small rooms, good service. Not especially cheap, but really nice and good.
Plus : le Thème café et l'Echanson, wine bars.
Plus : you'll probably find other nice ones, they are many!

Les Césars, on Place Stanislas, makes pretty good pizza, the place is hold by 2 authentic Italians. The decoration is not exactly my style (too rich), but the prices are really fare, nothing to do with what you expect when you look at the place first.

Other recommendations:
A light play under door  between Place Carrière and Place Stanislas
A light play under door between Place Carrière and Place Stanislas
Don't miss Nancy Jazz Pulsation, in the middle of October every year. It's a big musical event, with artists from all around the world, for very cheap prices : for 10-20€ per night, you get 2 or 3 concerts.

Published on Wednesday October 30th, 2002

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Sat, Oct 13 2007 - 01:05 AM rating by joe_schmidt

Marie-Ange, I like that report, especially the night photos give it a special atmosphere.

Fri, Jun 29 2007 - 12:22 PM rating by eirekay

Marie-Ange, the photos you have added are wonderful!

Tue, Nov 14 2006 - 09:32 AM rating by marianne

Just wish there had been some picture. Well-wriiten and good information

Thu, Dec 09 2004 - 12:32 PM rating by badenlac

Nancy.What a lovely name it is! I like tradtional cultures arts and buildings.
I enjoy the environment of Nancy quite well.Would you please introduce more distinguishable places in France or other countries? Thanks for your article in advance.

Tue, Sep 21 2004 - 01:43 AM rating by ravinderkumarsi

hii marie,
i read this report of yours and its a nice report about nancy indeed.
it seems that you are not logging to this site now a days ,
any way
keep in touch

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