Good place to visit if you happen to be in the area and need to recharge your batteries, but not a destination spot or a must-see. Very pleasant, however...
Several random thoughts about Pointe Noire. First, the beaches are beautiful and almost entirely empty. Sand is white and the waves hit hard. Can have a very strong undertow so beware. Second, to my knowledge, relatively safe and stable. The locals seem to be aggressive only in their sales but are respectable (unlike DRC). Third, not a lot to do in or from Pointe Noire so it is best a place to relax. Fourth, CHOLERA. When I was there there was a significant cholera outbreak. Some French, from what I heard, did contract it. Not sure how as it is usu assimilated with drinking untreated water. Anywhere in Africa, this should not be done, of course...
Favourite spots: |
The beach, of course, is likely the best attraction to P.N. Waves hit very hard as does the sun. This is a destination spot for the French with direct flights from Paris.
What's really great: |
The calm and relaxing nature of P.N. is the best.
Accommodations: |
Several hotels on the beach. Absolutely recommend staying on the beach rather than directly in the town.
Restaurants: |
Multiple Chinese resturants. Not a wide selection.
Published on Saturday September 8th, 2007
Tue, Sep 25 2007 - 05:47 AM
 by frenchfrog
It is shame that you did not include more infos and some photos! |
Mon, Sep 10 2007 - 11:48 PM
by wojtekd
I stayed there at catholic mission inthe center of the city. Recommended! |
Sun, Sep 09 2007 - 03:56 AM
by marianne
Interesting, maybe add some pictures and more details. |
Sat, Sep 08 2007 - 11:16 PM
by rangutan
Very short report, would make a great entry as "Travel Destination" for Pointe Noir. |
Information: |
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