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Jun 18, 2008 02:00 PM Hans Christian

Hans Christian Yesterday I came for few days to Denamrk. My aim is not to see only Copenhagen, but also few other places. Today I went in the morning to Odense - a birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen. Althoght he lived here only 14 city lives on his legend. The house where the author has born is nice renovated as well as the neighbourghood (it used to bee a *beggars* part of the city). Others attractions of Odense are the cathedral and railway museum. Odense has very good connection with Copenhagen. Every hour is a train and the journey takes from 1,5 - 2 hours. Ticket price is 448 krons (1 eur - 7 krons) for return. Danemark is very expensive country.

May 24, 2008 02:00 PM Time to say goodbay

Time to say goodbay I think that I will come back some day here. I really like the city. But I would like to see it also in autumn colours. Today we had a perfect wheather. Sunny and hot day just invited us to go out and visit the city. The plan was to see the Hradczany castle, St. Vits cathedral and all Mala Strana district. We didn't get into the cathedral. Long queque conviced us that also inside we wont find the quiet and calm necessary to contemplate the atmopshere. Entrance to Gold street is also quite expensive 250 czech krons. I decided to did not see it - i want to have a place to discover when I will come back here.

May 23, 2008 02:00 PM Why people fall in love with Prague

Why people fall in love with Prague The answer is simple - because it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Even the thousands of the tourist hasn't disturb to much. We took a walk from early morning - Charles bridge (some of it parts are under reconstruction now), Stare Mesto - with beautiful town hall, Jan Hus statue, Tyn Church, again Josefov district and fabulous surroundings streets. It was a pleasure to walk around without a particular aim. To drink a coffe or excellent czech bear and soak up the atmosphere. On our way back to the appartment we were watching spectacular sunset over the Stare Mesto. Houses, churches and charles bridge were cover by golden sunbeams.

May 22, 2008 02:00 PM Hangover at 10 am

Hangover at 10 am Yesterday, after my coming back from Kutna Hora, I decided to see the Prague's nightlife. And I enjoyed so much that I came back at the hostel at 3 in the morning, so today from the begining I wasn't in good mood. Moreover in my hostel I had to check out at 10am !! My friends are coming today and we rented appartment very close to Charles bridge for only 20EUR per person (I will post it addres soon in Travel tips section).
Regarding my last night madness I had only enough power to see Josefov district and see area close to my appartment. Josefov is an old Jewish qauarter very well preserved. So you can see there synagogues, Jewish town hall and old cementery.
Even if some of you will not agree with me I think that similar district in Krakow (Kazimierz) is more authentical.
Anyway Prague is very beautiful, you never know what you will see behind next corner...
Living so close I really don't know why I haven't been here before.

May 21, 2008 02:00 PM Short but worth

Short but worth Al my friends were always asking me if I was in Prague. Even if we are neighboring countries I have never occasion to see this city. So using short holidays in Poland I bought the ticket for the night train and came into Prague (if somebody is interested ticket price was 80 eur return for sleeping place).
When I came in to Prague I hadn't chance because the weather was very bad. So I went to Kutna Hora - old city located 70 kilometers form Prague (trains are quite often - ticket price depends on the train you will chose - I paid 176 krons - 1 EUR - 25 krons, journey takes 1h 10 min) Kutna Hora was famous for ages for its silver. Some saying that in 15 century had as many inhabitants as London. Until today there is a lot of confirmations of this richness - the most fabulous St. Barbara Church - which is now renovated, St Jacob Church, old town and others items are making this city worth to say at least half of the day.

May 03, 2008 02:00 PM What you can do in the park

What you can do in the park It is my last day in Beijing, so I wanted to see the Temple of Heaven. I took the subway to go there, I bought the ticket for 35 RMB, and I was amazed what the people doing there.
There were:
- dance classes
- ladies playing with the ribbons
- people playing cards
- groups singing
- tai chi exercises
- other activities.
I was really lovely. I enjoyed this more than sightseing of the Temple. Temple itself is very impressing, it roof was built without using single nail.
Only few metro stations away is "silk street" with Armani, Gucci, Tommy, Polo clothes. The prices are starting from 1 USD. You only have to bargain...

May 02, 2008 02:00 PM It's rainy day

It's rainy day Bad luck. When I decided to see the Forbidden City weather from the begining wasn't good. After one hour it stareted to rain. And it was raining almost all day. Anyway Forbidden City is very nice but two main buildings are renowated so you can't go there, and it is better to go there very early beacuse from 9 am it is getting very crowdy. Officialy it is open from 8.30 am, but i bought already a ticket (60RMB) at 7.50 am.
The rain had also one advantage. Beijing is very polluted, sometimes you can't even see builngs 300 meters away. But after rain sky was very clear and excellent visibility.

May 01, 2008 02:00 PM What happens when are holidays in China

What happens when are holidays in China The answer is simple - everywhere are crowds. Today I went to see the Summer Palace. From the begging on the streets were more people and subway was more crowded. When I reached the last station of subway I took a taxi, beacause there is about 5 kilomteres from sub station to the Park. From the entrance the Park was so crowded that there wasn't chance to see something in silence. No place to seat, no chance to take a photo, everywhere queques.
Summer Palace was an idea of empress Cixi, she built fabulous buildings here like - make up room, opera house, pavilon for changing clothes etc. But the most mad idea was to built marble boat. Instead of modernised the fleet, she built a huge boat from marble, where she drinked a tea.
Entrance to the park was 30 RMB, park + buildings 60 RMB.
My way back was funny, because of crowds I couldn't get into the subway - sometimes happened.

Apr 30, 2008 02:00 PM How to order a plate when nobody speaks same language

How to order a plate when nobody speaks same language Here in Beijing is so many temples, pagodas and other historic buildings that sometimes you need to rest little bit from them. So today I only went to see magnificient Lama Temple. Interesting thing was that just under the temple is subway station. The temple was stunning. But today is 1st of May - public holiday in China, so you can forget about visiting in quiet. The entrance to the temple was 20 RMB. After I went to the second part of the city to see 800 years old mosque. As not being muslim I couldn't get into (carvings and paintings seeing from outside were beautiful). In my way back i found excellent place to eat, the problem was that they didn't speak other language that chinese. But after few efforts and using food glossary in my guidebook, I got delicious portion of sweat and sour chicken, inexpensive and huge. It was great dinner.

Apr 29, 2008 02:00 PM The Great Wall

The Great Wall There was so many things written about this construction, so is hard to add something new.
I was walking yesterday from Jinshanling to Simatai. After all I think that was good direction, less painful than way from Simatai. 10 kilomters throght the wall - in some places is still original so it wasn't so easy. It was hard to imagin how they build it. A lot of respect for the pepole who build it. Views were also stunning. One of the best thing that i done in my life.
Few useful informations. Jinshanling is located 110 kilometers from Beijing. I took the tour from the hostel - that costs me 240 yuans and included ticket price. The journey through the wall is about 4 hours. It is better to take goo shoes as the way is sometimes quite difficult.

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