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Filip's Travel log

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Nov 19, 2004 07:00 PM Let's play

I had the van first and started to install everything. Also, I installed a Nintendo 64 and a DVD player. This way we would also have some extra entertainment. Also two 250 GB drives were in our access and we filled them up with movies and music. :o)

Nov 18, 2004 07:00 PM Starting back up

After two weeks of vacation, it was necessary for us to get back on the roads. So we first went to Tele Atlas.
After a midday of shopping (for some new campers who had to be filled up with household equipement), we took our "good ol' camper" back home to start installing ourselves and leave on monday. This time we would leave for England!! Yiha!! This means Xmas Shopping in London!!

England, prepare yourself!!

Nov 11, 2004 07:00 PM Head monitor weekend

I was glad I came home early enough to go along on a weekend to the Ardennen in Belgium.
This was a weekend with some theoretics for head campleaders, but also with lot's of amusement, laughing and good food.
"The Outsider" is the organisation which took control over some outside adventures. Most of them weren't all that exciting, but we did do the longest dead-ride in Belgium.
I also met some new people, who I knew from before, but only vaguely.
So after very long nights, short sleeps, lot's of booze and hurted cheeks (because of the constant laughing), I can only say this has been a wonderfull weekend out. The fresh air did good to me!!

Nov 07, 2004 07:00 PM Done-diddeli-do-diddeli-done

We finally did it. In about 3.5 weeks, we finished off the whole southern of Holland. We drove about than 8000km's and we loved the job.
Just before we went home, we went to Bergeijk. This is a small village not so far from the Belgian border, but has a special meaning to me. On the Dutch radio, there's a show called "Radio Bergeijk" which is the most ridicul crap you've ever heared. And I love it!! That's why I certainly had to visit this town, before I went back to Belgium.

Though the Dutch people are very friendly and social, I'm glad I can go back home. After the murder on Theo Van Gogh, which was splattered all over the news and every possible talkshow they have...the stress on everyone is getting stronger and stronger and things are completely changing.

I would say: let's take some vacation!!

Nov 05, 2004 07:00 PM Ramon from ACSI

Those campingguides are truly interesting.
Wouter was running through the pages when he noticed the picture of the manager of ACSI.
"Hey", he said to me "isn't this the guy who gave us both the guides?".
And yes, we accidently stopped in front of the house of the manager of ACSI. What a coinsidence!
Btw, if you happen to read this: thanks again!!

Nov 03, 2004 07:00 PM Bacon and eggs

Today we started at about 8.30 AM. Which was early, but the sky was clear and without any fog we would be able to drive for hours.
At about noon we got hungry, because we left without breakfast or something. So we pulled over in a small village not so far from the main road we were capturing. As we started backing eggs and bacon, suddenly there came a stranger walking around our van. We got used to these people, because of all the advertisments and cameras on it, it just drew attention like nothing else. But this guy walked aside the van and knocked on the door. I instantly thought he would be complaining about the place we were standing on. (Because we can't really park the van on a normal parking place, we mostly put it vertically on a couple of parking spots). After he knocked he, opened the door himself, faster than we could. It was a very friendly Hollander who introduced himself as someone from ACSI. This is a company who visits all campings in Europe and checks them on qualities. Because in the latest edition all campings got the coordinates, so people could travel to it, using some GPS system. So he was very interested in what we did exactly and how it worked. He entered the camper before we even knew what was going on and we had to show him everything.
He was very interested in our stories. After the demo we gave, he told us to hold on, because he'd be back in an instance.
He left the camper and Wouter and I were completely weird, but funny.
A minute later he came back and gave us both an ACSI guide for Europe. A book which probably costs about 25 euro's or something. Just because we stopped in front of his door and he knew Tele Atlas.
Amasing, those Dutchmen...but extremely social and friendly.

Nov 01, 2004 07:00 PM Changement de decors

Because I notice myself that the daily stories about the shooting is starting to even bore myself, I will start to write only stories about things I see, feel or experience. So I won't use the title to show the hours any more but instead a more meaningfull one.

Nov 01, 2004 07:00 PM Numberplates

In Holland, the usual numberplates are yellow with black letters. They usually consist of 2 numeral digits and 2 times 2 letters. As far as I know, people who have European number plates, have the same colors of there resident country but then the inverse of it. So black plates and yellow characters are European Hollandish number plates.
Next to those plates you also have blue plates with black letters. These are plates for cars like taxi's and other work-cars. Also green with black letters exist. Those probably are cars from garages.

Oct 31, 2004 07:00 PM 09.45 hours

I got up. The sky looked clear and after an evening of computergaming, we started the day by doing some weekly checks. (Oil, DMI, connections...).
This computergaming has become our new bad habbit. When we can't watch much TV or there's nothing on, we just take a laptop and start to game. I don't know if this is really bad for us, but we have to be a bit careful. We'd better do some sports or something. But that isn't really easy to do. I mean...where? and what? Anyway, we'll look into that issue.

Oct 30, 2004 02:00 PM 16.00 hours

It was already getting dark. Because the hour had changed from summer to winter-hour, it was logical that it got dark earlier. But it was clear how fast the days were shortening. Nice...winter is comming. Winter means snow, ice, skiing, snowgames, mountains...aaaaaaaah :o)
We stopped on a big parking in Sint-Oedenrode or something like that. Except for a few kids there was nothing but trees around us.

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