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Filip's Travel log

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Oct 23, 2004 02:00 PM 20.30 hours

After dinner I went to see my grandfather, who I hadn't seen since my grandmother died. For me it still was as if my grandmother just left for something and would return in a short while. That's the feeling I'd been having the last few days.
Almost everyone was there and though they all loved to hear my stories, it all had a strange flavor.

Oct 22, 2004 02:00 PM 10.00 hours

We've been working already many hours this first week. So we decide to take a day of. A couple of days ago we had seen an advertisement about a karting place in Breda. And because we both love driving (as you should already have guessed), we went over there.

Oct 22, 2004 02:00 PM 15.00 hours

The moment has come for us to go kart some. The karting place was quite crowded, but in not more than 15 minutes, we could take on our suites and helmets.
It was a nice and intensive track. There was even a bridge over which you had to go. The karts where also cool. The only special thing about is, was that they drove on nitro. Which means gas, in stead of fuel.
Exhausted we returned to our camper, where we stayed for a couple of hours, still on the parking of the karting place called Indoor Fun Center.

Oct 22, 2004 02:00 PM 19.00 hours

We get hungry and it's saturday evening. Time for some partying.
We park our camper on a parking somewhere near the citycenter. A 5 minute walk brought us back to the center, where we already had been at noon.
We had already stopped at the VVV-office this morning when we arrived at Breda. We asked if they could tell us where to find a camping, but none existed close enough to the city, to park our camper there and go on foot back to Breda. That's how we find this parking spot. The camper is quite long and wide, meaning that we don't fit into regular parking places.
Anyway, time for some dinner at "Sara's Fried Chicken". Well, we haven't seen Sara, but the Egyptian people (who worked at the restaurant) where extremely friendly and gave us a good service, besides tastefull fried chicken.

Oct 22, 2004 02:00 PM 21.00 hours

We found a movie theater and wanted to see "Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow". A special kind of movie with lot's of animation fitted in a VERY oldschool story and movie-effect. You have to be for this kind of movies, but I loved it.
But that's only the movie. The theater itself was quite a story on it's own. It was an old building and the outside looked like the movie theaters they show in American movies. Inside it had carpet floors, a stair to the theaters itself and curtains in front of the screen.
So after the lights faded, the curtains went open and we got to see a dia-presentation of advertisement. In this digital world...?? I had never seen this before. And it was no joke, it was truly advertisement for shops and services in Breda.
Next, there also wasn't much place for your legs. I myself am 1m96 long and have quite tall legs.
But besides all that, it was fun. And a new experience.
In Belgium we're of course really spoiled if we are talking about our movie theaters. We've got the best places in the whole world...and that's not my statement, that's a fact.

Oct 22, 2004 02:00 PM 23.00 hours

PARTYTIME!! We exit the movies and the streets are crowded with youngsters. Every bar has success and there are even lines in front of normal pubs. I've never seen this before. I mean, lines in front of clubs, ok, but ordinary pubs?
The music was good, the beer Belgian, the girls beautiful and the mood was terrific.
We went to several bars, including "The Brussels Café". What do those Dutchmen want from us?? :o)

Oct 22, 2004 02:00 PM 12.00 hours

The karting place appeared to open at noon. And because there wouldn't be much people at that time, we decide to go and explore Breda first.
Breda is a living city, with a university, lot's of bars and pubs, shopping-streets, young people...much like Gent in Belgium.
We went to a couple of pubs after walking through the shopping streets. One of those pubs was a Belgian café. Weird actually, how many people like the Belgian style and therefore copy us. Can't really think of any Hollandish Pub in Belgium actually ;o).
Anyways, I asked the bartender if he could tell us what we certainly had to do, now that we were travelling through Holland for a month.
He couldn't really answer that question. Besides seeing the "Efteling" themepark and smoking dope (if we'd like that), he couldn't think of anything special. Are Dutch people that boring? I wouldn't want to think so...

Oct 21, 2004 02:00 PM 8.55 hours

After a quite rough morning of starting engines and horns of trucks, made by people who are working on the roads nearby, we hit the roads again.
Because Rotterdam still demands a lot of work, we decide to do this first.
It appears all to go as planned and in the afternoon we start of doing another map. One more to the West.

Oct 21, 2004 02:00 PM 12.00 hours

We get a call from the Tele Atlas office, demanding what we were going to do for bringing back all the data and the funural on tuesday. They appeared to have forgotten what we discussed earlier. Also they asked us if we would be able to get to Eindhoven on Wednesday. They will have to give a demo with the camper. Therefore we'll have to clean it first I guess.

Oct 21, 2004 02:00 PM 18.30 hours

We parked the camper again next to a cimentary. After diner and starting the backup, suddenly a car stopped next to us. It were some cops. They asked us what we were doing. Very nice people actually. Just asked us for our papers and told us they would give our names to the call-central. So, if someone else would call them, they could tell those people who we are and what we do. Because that was the reason why those cops came by for us.

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