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Filip's Travel log

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Log entries 111 - 120 of 156 Page: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Oct 25, 2004 02:00 PM 09.00 hours

Though I'm still really tired, we both get up and start to shoot. We go to Belgium, Holland, Germany...It's a weird place, this area. We also pass the 3-land point. But the actual point was boosted commercially so much, we didn't even stop there. We had been in the neighbourhood and that's what counts ;o).

Oct 24, 2004 02:00 PM 09.00 hours

I take the camper and drive to Wouter, pick him up and we both drive to Tele Atlas. An appointment, which we had been discussing over the phone.
Whe we arrived we met Dominique on the parking of the Tele Atlas building. He's a nice guy and firt time we ever met him, it clicked with all of us. He had only been working 3 months for Tele Atlas now, but he knew much about it.
We we arrived at the office itself, the whole mood changed. It was very quite, though there were a lot of desks and people in the office. Apparently something breaks the mood. Strangely enough, last time we were there, the mood was awsome.
On the phone we had asked for some extra maps, because it all went so smoothly, we would run out of them in a short while.
Of course they weren't finished. So the only thing we had to do is drop our data there and go back home. We had to come back the next day.

Oct 24, 2004 02:00 PM 12.00 hours

I started cleaning the camper. It took me whole afternoon actually. Certainly because I was alone to do all the work. But I needed it, just to put my mind on something else than the funeral.

Oct 24, 2004 02:00 PM 10.00 hours

Today it's my grandmothers funeral. I don't want to say much about it. Only thank everyone of my friends who supported me, as much during the funeral as in any other way. The funeral itself was beautifully done and I think she'd liked to had it that way.

Oct 24, 2004 02:00 PM 21.00 hours

Wouter had been at Tele Atlas today and got some new empty external disks to put our data on. Of course there where no new completely suspected.
Because I didn't want to stay too long out of the running and wanted to put my mind on other things, we left again, this time to Maastricht in The Netherlands.

Oct 24, 2004 02:00 PM 23.00 hours

My brother had taken the train to his place in Genk. It's a house where he stays at during the week, when he goes to school, because going home would take too long. Because Genk isn't all that much away from Maastricht, we passed there first. Just to say hi and have a drink.

Oct 23, 2004 02:00 PM 02.00 hours

We're at a great pub. Actually, the first pub we went to. It's called "IndepenDANCE". The bartenders are cool and because the music has a good vibe we actually start to dance.
I see some strange movements in the streets. More and more people come out of the pubs and move mostly towards one direction. I don't get it, till suddenly the music stops...
The bars have to close. It's 2 AM and every bar, accept for some "night"-clubs who stay open till 4 AM, closes.
I have NEVER seen this before. I think it took me 15 minutes to realise this was truely happening.
We asked one of the bartenders for how long this already was a common situation. He told me he had never know anything else...
Man, if we would try this in Belgium, whole cities would be broken down till the last brick. This was truely remarkable.
There was not much left to do to go back to the camper and sleep.

Oct 23, 2004 02:00 PM 12.00 hours

We had been drinking quite a lot and so we had been sleeping a bit longer than usual. But because the weather is clear enough at this moment, we decide to leave Breda and start to shoot some roads.

Oct 23, 2004 02:00 PM 16.00 hours

The weather has changed a bit and the sky is all alto-stratus. It's getting to dark and we would get home tomorrow, but can't really do anything more in Holland, we decide to drive home.

Oct 23, 2004 02:00 PM 19.00 hours

We arrive at Wouter's home. He hadn't told his family we would come home (at all), which had the suspected effect. :o)
Anyways, I went home too and my family was also glad to see me.

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