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Tambaú's Beach. To the bottom, the Cape White.'s by marcosfonsec

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information about brazil  Joao PessoaBrazil, Paraíba
My daughter, in the beach of Tambaú. To the bottom, you can observe the Cape White, beside which is the point more oriental from Americas.
Uploaded: Oct, 20 2006 | Taken: Aug, 07 2004| Viewed: 32 times  | 9 votes

isaacmolina - Mar, 19 2006 01:03pm
Beautiful daughter !

marianne - Mar, 19 2006 02:03pm
Beautiful daughter worth to show off, but this photo is not really tvavel related

isaacmolina - Mar, 19 2006 02:03pm
The picture is about the Cape White. The girl (independently that is the photographer daughter) only enhances the view. Human beings are also part of the nature. She is Brazilian, not a Dutch tourist.

davidx - Mar, 19 2006 02:03pm
Isaac - there are genuine differences of opinion about what constitutes a travel picture. I'm not far from you but everyone must be able to express a view,

rangutan - Mar, 19 2006 03:03pm
If the comment said "brazilian beauty" rather than "my daughter" the pic might get two extra points. Why do pictures of africans & asians get ****? I agree, travel is about people too, not only earth!

marianne - Mar, 19 2006 03:03pm
That is exactly it. Brazilian Beauty would have been accepted by everyone. In other words titles to photos are very important, perhaps equally important as the photo itself.

mortimer - Mar, 19 2006 04:03pm
So we end up with everybody deniying that it's some realtive they are showing off? But this will only work out for two or three pictures ;-) It will become obvious after some time.

marianne - Mar, 19 2006 04:03pm
Of course it will show after one or two pictures and ratings will be accordingly

bear495 - Mar, 20 2006 11:03am
As everyone is stating, your daughter is beautiful. Congratulations!

alfonsovasco - Mar, 31 2006 11:03pm
Marcos: Brazilian girl in a Brazilian paysage. Good foto

marilene - Apr, 22 2006 07:04pm
Every picture that exhibits landscape of tourist interest, is appropriate picture for trip album. Congratulations for this interesting picture.

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