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information about germany  Frankfurt am MainGermany, Hessen
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 in Frankfurt - 1832 in Weimar)
Uploaded: Mar, 18 2009 | Taken: Apr, 29 2006| Viewed: 32 times  | 1 vote
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-W1 | Exposure 10/800s, ISO 100 | FLength: 14mm

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 04:03pm
A well composed pic. Petra, he looks a very serious chap, I shall google him!.

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 04:03pm
Petra, a literary genius!.........

pesu - Mar, 18 2009 05:03pm
Yes, and a traveller, too.

aufgehts - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Tony, didn't you have to read "Faust" in school? What's wrong with that British education?

pesu - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Jilly, you really read 'Faust'? In German???

aufgehts - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
No! I'm just giving Tony a hard time!!! I would be a genius if I read it in German and you know my skills aren't even close!

pesu - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Okay, homework for today: "Da steh ich nun, ich armer Tor, und bin so klug als wie zuvor..." (Goethe, Faust I)

aufgehts - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Here I now stand, I, the poor fool, and am as clever as did I do? I did NOT find a translation!

krisek - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Ja ja, the gates did not help him become any smarter ;) Faust was an obligatory reading for us! But we did not have to do it in German, uff.

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Hang on you two, when I was at school Charles Dickens was still finishing "Pickwick Papers", hehe. ps. sounds like Greek when read it, btw, what's it say? I won't tell Jill.

krisek - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
And where was he heading to? Uh, Mr Goethe must have been really cold. He is wearing layers of clothing... :)

aufgehts - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Well Krys, isn't he standing outside in GERMANY? It's been known to get a little nippy there! :-)

pesu - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Jill, VERY good! Krys, yes, these unhelpful gates... ;-)
Tony, does studying help to become smart??? What do you think?

pesu - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Krys, yes, he lived in Germany!!! And probably that's why he was a big fan of Italy...

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2009 07:03pm
Petra, I think that having an open mind and a willingness to accept new information expands your learning ability, Que?.

pesu - Mar, 18 2009 08:03pm
Krys, it is described that Goethe did 40 big travels and covered a distance of about 31.000 km on horseback. He should have been travelling for 14 years of his life. These were the most distant places he reached: in the east – Wieliczka in Poland, in the north – Tegel (Berlin), in the west - Somme-Tourbe near Châlons-sur-Marne, in the south – Agrigento (Sicily).

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