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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

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Joined: Aug 05
Points: 1717

Wojciech, you have a fans club in Spain!

Posted: 2006-04-09 06:12 PM   
Senor Wojciech, welcome home!

I have followed every day your travel log in Globo, and it was more interesting to read than an adventure book or watching TV! Thank you.

I would like to be like you, a real adventurer, when I will grow older. When I read your travels I associate you with a personage of adventures called Corto Maltes, with the important difference that you are not fiction, but real!


Joined: Nov 05
Points: 853

I admire your last adventure in Antarctica

Posted: 2006-04-09 02:43 PM   
Mr. Wojtekd: with all my respects, you are like those romantic travellers of the XIX century.
Congratulations. I read with much interest your reports here in Globo and in your personal web page.
Best regards from a Basque from Bilbao.


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 11491

I'm the first!!!

Posted: 2006-04-09 12:14 PM   
Hi friend!
Trust me!
I'm the first to envy you!!!! ;)
What a journey, what adventure!
Yeah, you are right, there are places like all that islands or the Antartica that you can only reach with the Maryshev.
And that's not cheap, and that's not easy.
Lot of time working and saving money and many days then on the sea, sometimes hard sea, sometimes unimaginably hard sea!!
I really ENVY you for that kind of adventures.
Come on! The Safaris in Africa are also expensive and you are usually sharing the car with more helthy people than you ... I did!! Specially when travelling alone!! But as you know you can bargain and work to get an "special" price and do it.
That's it! no other way! So, do it!!
No matter how we go to strange places to live great adventures .... but just do it!!
I´m glad to see you're back in one piece hopping you didn´t hide an small penguin in your backpack!!
Beware of the Sea-Lion!!



Joined: May 05
Points: 41625

Yes Wojciech, you are right. Thanks.

Posted: 2006-04-08 06:09 PM   
You made an extraordinary journey of once in a lifetime. Indeed, you are a guru for the travellers.

I too use to get dumping prices in the ships. In the Maxim Gorki I paid 50 % of the official price for a shared room, without windows.
We (you and me) are not rich, and going to those lost islands is not like travelling around India in cheap trains. And hitch hiking is out of question! There is a time for every journey.
While all passengers of my ship, with suits and elegant models ordered wine from France, California or Spain, I was served plain water from the tap, and they looked at me with commiseration because I had no tie and dressed socks of British Airways. But in the evenings I joined the Russians staffs in their private board, including the captain, Vladimir Petrovich, who became my friend, and then… Oh tovarich! I had fun with them and was invited to drink vodka and champagne without coercion!

Welcome home my friend! Enjoy deservedly your Wojtkowka; you must be a very happy man.


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 11491

Wellcome back!

Posted: 2006-04-07 01:43 PM   
Hi friend!
I'm happy to see that you're back in Gdansk in one piece and with great memories that you will keep forever and, please, share with us by pictures, reports and tips!!! ,)
Good luck with your re-entry to a normal life in Poland.
Great adventure again!
what's next?



Joined: May 05
Points: 41625

Congratulations for your last feat on board the Alexey Maryshev!

Posted: 2006-03-16 09:25 PM   
Wojciech, what a marvellous journey you are making!!! Malvinas, South Georgias, even Bouvet, the impenetrable Bouvet, where only a few people have put foot in there, even less than in the Moon! Now Gough, Tristan da Cunha with its seven families, St Helena, Ascension… Another stunning travel exploit to add to your traveller career.

In respect of me, I could only manage to visit Pitcairn island for 3 hours, just enough to climb until Adams grave, Christian Fletcher cave, enter the Seven Days Adventist Church to have a look at the old Bible, and a new museum opened in August 2005. The waters were treacherous and the captain of the Maxim Gorki could not stay longer. The staffs were Russians, and like in your ship, everybody was shocked to see me speaking their language! (I did not buy a replica of the Bounty; they sell it for 125 US Dollars and I was broke).
Hasta la vista amigo! See you in Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Nagaland and the rest of The Seven Sisters, or in Frank Joseph Land.


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 11491

Adventurers like Shackelton or Wojciech!!

Posted: 2006-03-12 07:45 PM   
Hey friend!

What a great travellog! I really envy you for that adventure cause I always thought that the Antartic journey is one of the greatest adventures.
Specially for me cause I can,t stay in that cold places.
And cause I,m not used to the sea sail as you are!! No seasick!! Even in the south seas!! wow!
Is amazing that you have been in the tomb of one of the gratest adventurers of the history ... Ernest Shackelton. I hope you took at least one good picture of the place where was buried and of the last resting place of that great man.
Well. Just write to wish you good luck on that russian ship.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you!


PS> Keep on writing, please, we need people like you to show us the right path. Or new tracks! New adventures! ....


Joined: Jun 02
Points: 12936

Gorilla Gallery

Posted: 2006-02-15 11:54 PM   
Just love it!


Joined: Jun 02
Points: 12936

Re: Current trip

Posted: 2006-02-15 11:52 PM   
Bon Voyage!
Will keep a close eye on your travel log, this sounds like another really big adventure.
Good Luck!


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 14003

hii woj

Posted: 2006-02-15 02:06 AM   
nice to see the Gorilla gallery ,its well taken pictures

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